Chapter 7

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Suddenly I heard Jasmine give a little scream, I quickly spun around to see Mike lift her up and place her on Rich's back.

Then Nathan helped Jade get on Mike's back.

Okay, something was going on, but when I turned back around to face Tristan so I could ask what was going on, I saw that he had bent over and was told me: "Get on."

Apparently the guys knew what they were doing, but I hated not knowing what was going on.

They went to stand in a triangle and started to say things like: "Are you ready?"

"I was born ready."

Or: "You're going down."

Then Nathan came back (I hadn't even realized that he'd left) and was holding three blow-up light sabers, he handed Jaz, Jade and me one each.

"May the Force be with you!" he said and I suddenly understood what was going on when the guys charged.

They were making all kinds of sounds as they ran around, Rich was yelling: "Exterminate!", Mike was just shouting general war cries. And then there was Tristan, running away in an attempt not to get hit by Jaz's light saber and saying things like: "Eat my shorts!" and: "D'oh!"

I swear, that kid really watched too many Simpsons episodes, up to the point where it wasn't healthy anymore.

We were getting away, but I could hear Jaz urging Rich on: "Giddy up!"

"Run Tristan! The daleks are coming! The daleks are coming!" I yelled, referring to Rich and Jaz as they wanted to exterminate us with a light saber.

Which I think is actually impossible, but that didn't stop them.

After a while Nathan said that the time was up, so we got off the guys' backs and crowded around Nathan.

"So, who won?" Jade asked, we could see that Nathan was trying to calculate the answer to that question, then he said in a pretend posh voice: "The results are inconclusive."

"You're seriously the suckiest referee ever." Jaz said.

When Tristan, Rich and Mike had caught their breaths again I announced that it was time for presents and munchables.

Jade and I disappeared for a minute and when we came back, Jade had a tray with the cupcakes that she said she had made with Jasmine and I was holding the cake that I'd made earlier.

Jaz let out a little yelp: "Jaffa!"

"Cake" I went, automatically, handing her the cake and went to fetch my present from my tent.

All seven of us sat in a circle within the circle of tents, we all had bags or boxes in front of us, except Jasmine.

"So, what do I start with?" she asked.

I pointed to a big rectangle behind Jade, "How about that one? Emily sent it from Scotland."

Jasmine's sister, Emily, was studying in Scotland, I tried to convince her to come down for Jaz's birthday, but her classes were about to start.

Jaz got up eagerly and walked around us to the package that was actually taller than her.

So she had to stand on her tiptoes to actually start tearing the paper at the top and as soon as she saw Brad Simpson's face she literally started screaming and jumping with joy.

After she ripped off the rest of the wrapping paper and had finished jumping up and down, she just stood there and hugged her very own life size cutout of Brad Simpson.

"I take it that you're quite happy." Mike smiled, getting a fierce nod from Jaz as a response.

Her reaction to the present Emily had gotten was actually quite hilarious and I joined in with the chorus of laughter, not able to keep myself contained any longer.

But I stopped as soon as I saw Rich's face, he was looking down, fiddling with his hands and not laughing, far from it actually.

He didn't look sad, but he didn't look happy either.

I would have sworn that he looked almost jealous.


They went in turns to give me their presents, June told everyone that she going last, so that intrigued me.

Mike went first and gave me almost an exact copy of the plastic Ketchup dog that 5 Seconds Of Summer had, the only difference was that this one was purple.

It was difficult to keep my fangirling at bay.

Jade gave me a whole bag full of goodies, most were fan related.

Nathan gave me a few CDs that I didn't have yet for some unknown reason, including Don't Panic! by All Time Low.

Tristan gave me a 5SOS hoodie and a T-Shirt, it was obvious that he had had June's help, but I didn't care at all, I was so happy.

Not sure if you've noticed, I had a slight obsession with 5SOS and The Vamps...

And then Rich gave me an envelope, when I opened it you saw that there were two tickets inside, tickets to go to one of Shawn Mendes's first UK concerts, in London.

"I was hoping that we could may-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence as I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him for a while, "Yes." I said.

I was going to see Shawn Mendes.

In London.

With Rich.


Then I got back up, quickly kissed Rich on the cheek, quick enough to make it look like it hadn't even happened and sat down again, blushing slightly, but luckily no one noticed.

I think.

And as June had said she would, she gave me her present last, which was just one box.

"Happy birthday." she said as she handed me the box.

I opened the top to reveal that there were several different packages inside. The soft one contained a shirt that said: Michael wants another slice with a cartoon pizza next to it.

There was also a Vamps choker and a mix cd.

At this point it was almost seven o'clock when my mum came out with pizza, she put them down just when June started playing her JAFFA playlist, which started with Backseat Serenade by All Time Low.

Always good.

We munched away on our slices of pizza and drank a ton of Arizona while cracking jokes.

When we ran out of pizza and we had all gotten over the emotional trauma, we moved on to the cupcakes and the big jaffa cake.

Author's Note:

It took me way longer than usual to get to editing this chapter, but here it finally is.

Nothing really happened, but the next chapter will be way better, I promise, I'll stick more work into it too.

If you got my Doctor Who and 5SOS references.... I love you!


#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now