Chapter 10

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Rich's song was so perfect and it for me, only me.

While he played his song I swear that I could feel butterflies in my stomach, I wasn't sure what they were doing, but it felt a lot like somersaults.

My cheeks had literally almost turned into tomatoes, I could feel it, that's how red and warm they felt.

The song was just so beautiful that there were actual tears in my eyes.

Had Rich really written that for me? I couldn't believe it. Did he really dream of me as his wife?

I couldn't find just one single word to describe its beauty, in fact, I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't think straight anymore.

As soon as Rich finished playing I got up and tackled him in a hug, almost knocking his guitar out of his hand and Rich off his chair.

I threw my arms around him and hugged him with such intensity, I was trying to express everything that I had felt during the song in that one hug.

"Are you okay Jaz?" he asked me, raising his hand to wipe away the tears that had escaped me and now stained my cheeks.

"It was just so beautiful." I whispered, holding him even tighter and he hugged me back, just as tight.


That was really cute and so original.

"Do I get one too?" I turned around in Tristan' lap, looking up at him, "What? A hug? Of course." he said, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight.

"No, I mean a song." I managed to choke out as Tristan's grip was very tight and I didn't think that he was planning on letting go any time soon.

"I like to be original, you know that." he answered.

"No hints?" I asked, "Nope." he said, making sure to pop the "p".

I could hear Jade going: "Awww!" next to me. "That was too adorable for words, right?" she asked me and I nodded in return.


Rich and I had decided to go to my tent to be alone and just talk, so we sat there, talking about random stuff. Like how June had introduced us and everything that had happened since then.

I didn't tell him what I'd felt during his performance for me, mainly because I didn't really know how to, but also because I was scared that it was just a song and the lyrics din't mean what they said.

Out of nowhere Rich said: "Jaz, I need your help with something."

"Of course, anything." I answered, urging him to go on.

The next thing that he said really made my heart drop: "I'm in love with this girl, but I don't know how to tell her."

It felt like the butterflies you had felt before had turned into an extremely heavy rock. I had had every right to be scared, I had been right, the song was just that, a song, nothing else, nothing even remotely special.

Rich was looking down and I quickly took that time to swallow and suck in a breath so that I'd be capable to say: "Just tell her 'I love you'."

Rich seemed to think about that for a minute before saying: "Could you help me practice?"

That was another pang to my heart, how could I have been so stupid? Rich would have never liked me like that, he never really meant the words he had sung to me.

I had been stupid, we were best friends, like a really close brother and sister, but nothing more an that wouldn't change.

But I decided that I'd be a good friend, even though it hurt me, "Sure, of course you can." I managed to say.

#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя