Chapter 5

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I had no idea when Grace would return so she could take me back home.

For now I was stuck with Jade, don't get me wrong, I love Jade, but today all I wanted was to get back home.

We had no idea how much time we had, so we tried to kill time by listening to music mainly. Jade already knew One Direction of course, but I decided to introduce her to more of their music.

After about an hour we had established that Liam was her favourite member and Half A Heart was her favourite song. We played that song on repeat for a while, it was just so beautiful.

Jade's interest in Liam wasn't the only thing growing, so was my worry, at this point it was almost four o'clock , which didn't leave me that much time to get my party ready.

I wouldn't have enough time to set stuff up, I could just have a normal sleepover, but this was my sweet sixteen, I wanted something slightly different. I didn't need one of those major parties like they have in the films, I just wanted to camp in my garden with my two best friends.

Right now I was scared that I wouldn't even get that.

I didn't want to think about the fact that it might not work out, so I tried to ease my mind by telling Jade about how I wanted to organize the garden and she helped me to come up with some time-winning ideas.

We spent the remaining time getting more ideas for that night on websites like We Heart It, Pintrest and Tumblr. 

Some time throughout the day my dad called, saying that the tire was finally fixed, but he told me that he couldn't come and get me as the engine wouldn't start, I remember him saying something about a leak.

So in the end I did have to wait for Grace to get back so I could finally go home and get started.

At a certain point Jade and I got so bored that I was sat with the Brad cushion in my arms on Jade's bed, attempting to have an actual conversation with Siri.

"Do you want me to call my mum?" Jade asked me, I wanted her to, but at the same time I didn't want her to, I didn't want to force my situation on Grace.

Jade could probably read my face as she didn't even wait for me to reply, she just took out her phone and started calling.

 "Mum, where are you?" she asked, it was quite annoying that I only heard one half of the conversation, but I read between the lines.

"Yeah, but that doesn't take that long, right? Why on earth do you have to take all his friends home too?" I heard Jade sigh and talk to her mother for a few more minutes before she hung up.

She turned to me and said: "Do you remember when I said that she took my brother to the cinema? Well, apparently she's taking all his friends home and the traffic is pretty slow." 

I know it sounds kinda stupid, but this actually kind of scared me, at this rate I wouldn't have any time left. 

Goodbye sweet sixteen.

I had this whole idea and now I wouldn't have any time to make any of it work.

I made the decision to wait another hour for Grace before I'd decide that there was no hope and then I'd call June and my mum to let them know.


When the guys and I had loaded all their stuff into the car, we all got in, Mike in the front with my dad and the rest of us were squished onto the backseat.

I sat next to the window on the right side, half on Tristan's lap, not that I minded at all, Tristan's arms were around me as he watched the passing sea as we drove down the seafront, then Nathan and Rich were sat next to Tristan, on the other side.

It almost took us half an hour to get to Jasmine's house, we arrived somewhere between quarter to three and three o'clock.

My dad parked the car and went inside for a cup of coffee or tea or something while we unloaded the car. 

When he came back outside I gave him a big hug before he left, "Thank you for being a taxi driver today." "That's fine, wish Jaz a happy birthday for me."

He started to turn around, but then added: "And behave yourselves, think of Jasmine's parents." And with that he was off, leaving us in the garden with a pile of stuff to go through and no idea where to begin.

Jasmine's mum, Leah, came walking towards us, "Oh, I almost forgot, Jack got these out of the attic before you arrived." she said.

Jack was Jasmine's father.

Leah gestured to the boxes and bags in the living room, Mike, Nathan and I went inside to grab them.

When we got back to the garden I saw that Rich and Tristan were struggling to understand my tent.

Laughing, I put the box I was holding on the grass and took over from the guys, "You might want to try your own tents as they'll probably be more on your level." I joked.

They huffed and let go of my tent, letting it collapse in front of me. "Oops." Tristan said, covering his mouth.

I chuckled, picking up my tent. "Hey, good luck with that!" Rich called, "Yeah, that thing's impossible!" Tristan added.

"Maybe for you guys, but I got the magic touch."

They just rolled their eyes and I said: "Wanna bet?" I had never actually put up this tent on my own, but I was willing to try.

"You seriously think you'll win?" I nodded, "Aye, you're on."

We got our fun from stupid little competitions like these while we set up the rest.

The contents of boxes and bags that Jack had got down from the attic for us really really relieved me, because there were quite a few picnic blankets and actual blankets that would come in handy. 

We set the tents up in a kind of circle and then Tristan and I covered the grass in between with the picnic blankets. 

At this point I thought it looked like an Indian camp. 

Apparently Nathan was thinking the same thing, because he sat down in front of a tent with his legs crossed and made noises along the lines of: "Oh oh oh!" while hitting his mouth repeatedly, in the way Indians would do.

Nathan was obviously too busy to help us, so Mike and Tristan started to unpack the rest of the stuff as Rich helped me to string the fairy lights across the hedges and we also connected the tops of all the tents with them.

"I think we're almost done." I said, looking at our work from a distance. "And that's a good thing too as it's almost five." Mike added.

"Seriously? Five?" Nathan asked, echoing my thoughts, "We only got this done in the past two hours? Only this?" 

"Yeah, no thanks to you Mr Lambert." Rich remarked, which left Nathan looking like a little kid who had been caught stealing a cookie.

I laughed, thinking of how much I missed this.

Author's Note:

It's been I don't know how long since I've updated, I don't want to start doing weekly updates, I want to do them more frequently.

The only excuse for my laziness that I can come up with is that my teacher assigned me a very boring and depressing book to read and I've been fighting to get through it.

But don't worry, I'll try to update before next Sunday, even though that's gonna be hard, next week is quite busy for me.

The only promise that I can make you is that Jasmine will be reunited with the guys in the next chapter!!


#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now