Chapter 3

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After I finished dinner with the Brooks' and felt too sick to eat another marshmallow, Jade and I went upstairs, back to her room.

We decided to change into our pyjamas as it was a sleepover after all and it was just so much more comfortable.

I quickly went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth when I heard Jade get a text message, "It's June." she said.

"Oh! What'd she say?" I called back from the bathroom. 

"That I should make you watch at least one episode of Pretty Little Liars."

Jade and June loved Pretty Little Liars and have been trying to convert me into the fandom for quite some time. Now I'm finally becoming interested, but I have so much catching up to do. I've only seen a few episodes of the first season.

I walked back into Jade's room and saw her typing fiercely on her phone. I was pretty sure it was a reply for June, but then it must have been a very long one as it took her a good few minutes before she put her phone down.

I waited patiently for her as she finally started up her laptop.

A few episodes later I still had no idea who "A" was. How do people keep track of everything that's going on in this series? The whole thing was very confusing to me. 

At this point it was already past one in the morning and I wasn't even tired yet; it was a weird quirk of mine, but Jade was.

Jade wanted to go to sleep already, so she did. Me on the other hand; I spent quite some time on Twitter before actually hitting the sack as well.

Of course I first looked under my bed to make sure that the bed bugs wouldn't bite. June would always say: "Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite." I don't know why I checked my bed, it was something I automatically did.

I didn't believe there was actually anything there, it just made me smile.

And if for some bizarre reason there actually was something I would always have the fluffiness of the Brad cushion to protect me. Meaning; I was generally grand and dozed off.


After I took the cake out of the oven I let it cool down just about enough so I could start shaping it without messing it up completely.

I cut the cake in half so I had two even slices and then I also trimmed off the top edges on one of them, creating a sort of circular pyramid base.

Then I put a fair amount of jam between the two slices of the cake I had cut, trying to recreate the texture that Jaffa Cakes have.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, remembering that I still needed to text jade to get her list. 

I got my phone out, unlocked it and sent her the text. And I quickly mentioned that she should sit Jasmine down to watch some Pretty Little Liars. She still had so much catching up to do and Jade and I weren't able talk to her about the stuff she hadn't seen yet, which was a lot.

We just didn't believe in spoilers. At all. It was against our religion.

As I looked at the clock that hung in the kitchen, I could see that it was eleven in the evening, which was still surprisingly early.

I quickly melted some chocolate and covered the cake with it, then I put it in the fridge and that was it. I was done. I could cross that one off of the list.

My stepmother, Amelia walked into the kitchen just as I was cleaning up the final bits and pieces. "It surprisingly looks like an actual Jaffa Cake!" she exclaimed. 

"Did you doubt my obvious skills?"  

"June, of course not; I just didn't think it'd be so easy. How did you do it?" she asked. 

I explained the whole process as I finished the last of the cleaning, then we sat down on the sofa together and started to flip through the channels. 

"Oh lord of everything that is holy!" 

My stepmother turned to me, looking shocked at my sudden outburst, "Don't Tell The Bride! We are watching Don't Tell The Bride!" I decided.

Don't Tell The Bride was my guilty pleasure show and my stepmother didn't mind it from time to time either. 

So we watched a bit of that. Normally it's like half an hour long, but we missed the first ten minutes. The thing with that show is that you can catch up within a minute, meaning it didn't matter that we missed the first part of it.

After the episode ended I went upstairs to get ready to go to bed, which undoubtedly is the best time of day.

If I ever had to choose only one object to love for the rest of my life, it would most definitely be the bed that I have at my mum's house. It's literally just like sleeping on a cloud.

I crawled into bed so I would get enough sleep as the next day was going to be really busy; I had so much to do and organise.

If I was being honest I'd say that I was scared. Scared that I couldn't pull it off. Scared that Jasmine wouldn't be happy, because I would have to drag her down before I could reveal the surprise.

The boys being there would definitely help though. All of my hope was resting on them. I hoped they could distract Jaz from the fact that I would have lied to her about almost everything.

They would probably create so much chaos, so I could surely count on a distraction without having to even ask them.

Oh god! I'd probably need to rob Costa or Starbucks in the morning, how would I otherwise survive the guys? They would be all hyper and I'd be some kind of zombie.

Author's Note:

I did tell you that my schedule wasn't going to be great after a while...

The boys will be in the next chapter, that I can promise you! I already have that one completely planned out.

You guys might even get it later today, might.

I'm gonna try, I'll at least start it, but no promises as to when it'll be up.

But thank you for sticking up with me, this is only the beginning.


#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now