Chapter 12

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We finished creating our little film nook in Jasmine's garden and it looked like those pictures on Tumblr with a laptop and blankets in the open air at night. I was pretty darn proud of us.

"Wait a minute." Jasmine said, frantically going through her bag that she got down a while ago so she wouldn't have to go back up and wake her parents, "I forgot to grab my pj's. I'll have to back up and wake my parents."

She huffed and pulled a hand through her long, dark hair.

Jaz reached the back door when Rich caught up with her, holding a black bundle.

"It's clean, I swear." he said and when he held it out in front of her I saw that it was his black Arctic Monkeys shirt.

"Thanks Rich." Jasmine said, smiling down at Rich's shirt in her hands.

The guys changed outside while we went inside, but we did stay in the kitchen, so we didn't wake anyone up.

Apparently Jasmine did have some black leggings, so that was a plus.

After she had pulled Rich's shirt over her head she straightened it, it looked cute on her.

But instead of telling her that, I said: "Oh my god! You look like Tris with his knee-length shirts!"

Jade cracked up next to me.

It was obvious to both of them that I meant Tristan Evans, because my Tristan would never dress like that, I couldn't picture it, even if I tried.

Jade decided to wear leggings too and an over sized shirt that said WITCH PLEASE in preparation for Halloween next month.

And then there was me, I also had black leggings and an over sized Simple Plan shirt.

I loved the simplicity of the way we all dressed, none of us had to actually try for the guys, everything was very relaxed and that was a great feeling.

When we got outside Tristan immediately saw my shirt.

"You still have it." he said, eyeing my it, "Of course I do, you chose it for me, remember?" I told him.

I quickly put my normal clothes in my tent and then joined the rest back outside.

It did start to get a little chilly out, so we all snuggled under our blankets to watch the film.

I was lying next to Tristan of course and he pulled me closer to him than I thought was even possible trying to keep both of us warm under one blanket.


As soon as we were all dressed and ready, we went back outside to join the guys, who were apparently a lot quicker.

They all had large tracksuit bottoms and large shirts, except for Nathan, he was wearing a large grey shirt and rd plaid pajama bottoms.

I walked over to my tent to put my bag away and when I reached it, I saw Rich there.

He looked me up and down, then said: "My shirt suits you."

That made me smile and I replied: "There might be a slight possibility that you'll never see it again though."

Then without giving me any warning Rich picked me up, causing me to shriek: "Ahhh! Riiich! Put. Me. Down!" while I used my fists to playfully hit his back.

"Bloody hell!" Nathan jumped out of the way just in time to avoid getting kicked in the face by my legs.

"Sorry Nay!" I quickly shouted over Rich's shoulder before returning to trying to get Rich to put me down.

"Seriously Rich, put me down."

I had given up at this point, so I was quite literally just hanging over Rich's shoulder.

He carried me to our spot in front of Jade's laptop that he picked out for the two of us and finally put me down.

Thank the heavens.

As much as I loved Rich, I did not like being carried all over the place, well at least not if all my blood is running towards my head.

I absolutely hated that feeling.

"You all ready?" Jade asked and we all said: "Yes!" as if it was the most obvious thing ever, then she pressed the play button and we all started watching Paper Towns.

It was getting quite cold outside, so it wasn't a big surprise when like five minutes into the film I shivered.

I tried to wrap the blanket tighter around myself, but it wasn't the biggest blanket, so Rich pulled me even closer to him instead.

Trying to me warm himself.

I decided to rest my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms even tighter around me.

It was such a nice feeling.

It was like I was living a John Green story, with a good ending hopefully.

Perfect was I think the right word to describe that one moment.

Right there, in my garden. Please, could it never end?

"Here you go." I turned around and saw Jade handing me a blanket, "Sure?" I asked her, because if I was cold, she would probably be too.

"I'm sure, I already have a few." she smiled at me.

That reassured me, so I gladly accepted the extra blanket, because even if I had Rich with me, neither of us was particularly warm.

With the extra blanket covering us, I don't think that I shivered again.

I was all warm and fuzzy inside and that wasn't because I now had two blankets instead of just one.

There was just one problem left, I might have had a slight problem concentrating on the film, given my current situation.

It was a good thing that I had already seen it, with my sister, but I didn't mind re-watching it, even though I wasn't paying much attention.

There was another good thing.

Who am I even kidding, there wasn't another good thing.

There was a great thing! A fantastic thing even!

I wasn't able to recall a single moment in my life where I was happier than I was right now.

I don't think I was that happy even when I saw my idols, 5 Seconds Of Summer in concert earlier that year and June and I had had great seats.

Not even close.

This was the best moment to date.

Author's Note:

So, I have one more exam to go, but I can't actually study for that one, so I decided to finish writing this chapter.

I hope you guys liked it, I was scared that it wouldn't be long enough, but I have more than 1000 words, so I'm good!

Please vote and comment, it really means a lot to see that you appreciate the time I put into this story.

So much time and effort goes into this and I'm quite proud of how it turned out, there are a few things that I think I might've changed, but I won't.


#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now