The Mistake Made

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Shadowrealms and Leygates Part One

Sapphire's Pov

The darkness closed in on me. I fell out of the world into a different realm or something. No light. I couldn't see anything, not even my hands in front of my face.

Where...where am I? I thought to myself. I tried using my powers to create a little light. A bright blue flame appeared, floating over the palm of my hand. I looked around. The world around me was the Noctis Lucis. Don't think this is a bright place like Earth. Never, ever think that. The name is not as it seems. The place is as dark as night and there is no light at all, thus the name Noctis Lucis-Latin for Night Light.

It took all my will power not to scream as my flame died. You see, my magic is a part of me; if my flame dies, I become very ill in many ways. It's as if a part of you died. It hurts. Trust me. The reason it died out? Some Shadow Realms drain energy and the energy drained goes into its creator. Most don't but I've been alive too long not to have been in one.

I felt myself become weaker and weaker and weaker. My aura is powered by moon and sun but in this realm, there is nothing to use for me to recharge. I couldn't use my aura or else it will consume me in a flame and I will die. Nothing is worse than dying were no one can see you. My mind raced through when I always thought I would die in some exotic place or in a battle that can not be won by either side or with my family by my side. But here, there is nothing. 

Falling to my knees, I cried as loud as I could. 

"I hate you! You stupid 2ps! I wish you never became a part of my life! I hate you! I could be with my family right now, but no! I'm in this stupid Shadow Realm because of you! I don't care what I said when I was younger! I hate you! I hate you all!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in my Native language of French. I saw something outlined in a gold aura not far from me. Immediately I knew that it was a leygate. "I've never EVER hated anyone until I met you! I hate you! There will never be a time where I will care for you or love you! You have made an enemy of me and I will make sure to get my revenge!" I pushed myself off my knees and charged forward into the leygate-the only way to get in and out of Shadow Realms-and back into the Earth realm.

"It was a mistake to keep me alive. Now I am your worst enemy. You better watch out." I whispered, my head still pounding. 

I took a look around to find myself on a pier in San Francisco. The salty air was soothing to me;it had been so long since I had been near the coast, near my home. 

"Welcome back, Hannah Kyu." A familiar voice sounded from behind me.

"Bonjour, mon frere. I did not realize you would be in SF. I figured you would still be in England."

"Oh Hannah. You should know me by now."

"Oh? But, Matthew, this is the first time you've been here. How did you know I would be here?"

"Hannah, you know I can sense when you leave this realm and where you are possibly going to return. You are one of the only immortals that can manipulate where leygates send you. Of course, that is only if you can remember where the leygates are."

"Matt, leave me alone for now. Your voice is starting to give me a worse headache. Again. Like all the past years."

"Hannah, it's been an entire week since you've been missing. Remember how certain Shadow Realms move slower than this realm. Everyone has gone looking for you. You are no longer a human but a-"

"A what? Go on. Say it. But know this: I was never just a human. I am a Shadow Warrior. I am a Flame and Death Bringer. I am a King Maker, and most of all, A Foreign Maiden, loved and hated by all. You know me more than anyone in the Worlds. Don't make an enemy out of me."

"Heh, alright, alright. Calm down, sweetie."

"Don't call me that."

"Yeah, yeah, but let's finish this conversation back at your place." He nodded his head back to Alcatraz off in the Bay.

"I haven't been on Alcatraz since they locked me up and I escaped."

"Not that, sweet cheeks." I glared at him. "There's something on that place that we need to talk about..."

"Fine..." God I hate him...

~To Be Continued~

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