Hello Again

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Arthur's Pov
"You're not being very nice, Arthur...."Oliver snapped at me, tying my hands behind my back.
"You never play by the rules either, Oliver" I shouted behind clenched teeth.
"Now, now, Arthur. You don't want anything to happen to Zara or Sapphire, now would you?" Oliver taunted.
"You stay away from them!"
"Oh? But you can't do anything. No one is around to help you." Oliver giggled. "Now, let's make this easy on ourselves and have you walk with me to the van."
"There's no way I would ever go with you...."
Oliver shrugged, as if knowing this would happen.
"Suit yourself!" He stood in front of me and everything went black.

~Time Skip Because Author-sama is watching Minecraft Diaries on Youtube~

Sapphire's Pov

"Ugh...my head...." My voice cracked, my throat dry. I opened my eyes to wake up in a room I had never seen before in my many centuries. I looked down to see that I was wearing a dress that was from... England in the...16th century? And it's for...royalty...

"Merde.... Please don't tell me...." I started but a maid walked into the room.

"Please come with me, Princess."

"Princess?" Oh no... not this....

"Yes, Princess Sapphire Kirkland. Is your head alright?" she asked. She tried checking my forehead but I moved back.

"Please, don't touch me."

She nodded. "Yes, Princess."

If it is the 1600s and I am a princess, how come I don't have any memory of this? I got back all of my memories...This is going to be a long week...

"You said I was to accompany you to a different location?"

"Yes. Please follow me, Princess." She said.

She took me down a long hall, down a staircase, and into a large dining room. She motioned me to sit down.

"Where am I exactly?" I asked her. My voice echoed in the large, empty room.

"We are in England, Princess."

"What city?"

"The capital, Princess."

"Which is?"

"London, Princess."

"Can you call me something else please?"

"Yes, m'lady."

I sighed. "What's your name?"

She looked shocked. "Excuse me?"

"Your name?"

"Skye. Skye Liveston."

"Place of birth?"

"Bristol, England"

Wow. She was born in that small town? Goodness... Well, I mean... Bristol was the second largest town in England by 1600. London was larger by thousands. But I should confirm that it is the 1500...

"What century is it?"

"21st, m'lady."

What? Then what's with the dress? The castle? Where am I? There's no way it's actually the 21st century......

"What am I doing here? Why do you treat me as if I were royalty? Who are you really?" I questioned her, keeping my voice stern and steady.


"Did you not hear me clearly?" I asked standing from my seat. "Answer me."

"I know not how to respond."

"I will ask you once more. What am I doing here? Why do you treat me as royalty? Who are you really?" I glared at her. "You will answer thee."

"You were brought here by a group of four men. They told me to keep you here. They told me to tell you truth and lies, but I had to make sure you knew what you were doing before I told you the truth. You certainly understand the situation. Everything I've told you about myself is true. And there's no need for you to act royal anymore."

"Thanks... I didn't know how long I could keep that up..." I smiled at her as she gave a soft giggle.

"You must find your family."


"The men who brought you here also brought your husband and daughter. You must find them. They are in this castle."

"So you're telling me you don't know where they are?"

"I know not. I am truly sorry. If my son were to be taken..."

"Son?...son... Josh! Did they bring my son?"

"I am sorry. They did not."

I took a step back. That means Josh should still be home. And safe. Oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. What do I do? I can't tell him through telepathy. He's too stubborn to get help. I'll tell Norway. He... he can help.....

"You can't use magic here."


"You said you were going to call your friend telepathically. You can not. The people put a magical force field around here. You can not call for help. Trust me. I've tried...."

"Who are you?"

"I told you. My name is Skye. I was born in Bristol." I gasped as I realized who she was.

"Bree!" She smiled at the sound of her nickname and hugged me.

"It's good to see you, Sapph. That took you way too long!"

"Oh my god! It's been so long! How have you and the city been?"

"It's okay. The economy isn't doing as bad as it was when you last visited...which was when? In the 16th century?"

"Yeah. Have you met London?"

"Are you talking about yourself or...?"

"She's a new person. Lucianna Kirkland. She and Alfred are actually pretty close. I'm surprised you haven't met her." [Her story is in the external link]

"Well, I've been handling my own city too you know."

"Oh! I of all people know what you mean!"

"Well, are your children cities?"

"Yes they are. Zara is Sheffield and Josh is...huh... He actually hasn't found his city.... Though I have a feeling it's Birmingham."

"How can you be so sure?"

"He's my son!"


"What about your son? Is he a city?"

"Sadly, no. I did marry a human."

"Understandable. Anyway, we'll have to continue this later, Bree. I need to go look for Eng-wait, how did you know we were getting married?"

"I didn't. But now I do!" [And so does Reader-Chan......Oops... (-'.'-)]

"Dammit Bree!"

"Hehehe... You better get going. The 2ps will come back at anytime now...."

I nodded and ran back upstairs to check all the rooms.

Don't worry, Artie, Zara. I'll find you and once I do, I promise to protect you and make sure this next happens again. Just wait a little longer....

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