Missing: Zara Kirkland

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Sapphire's Pov

"Z-Zara?!" I was in tears. My daughter was missing and I didn't know where she was. 

I turned to Arthur. "L-Love..." My legs were turning to jelly. My vision was turning black. 

He caught me just before I dropped to the ground.


I awoke to my sister's and husband's voices.

"She's not in this realm. I've already checked." Ruby said quietly to Arthur.

"I don't see her on my map either. Where could she have gone?"

"Shhh.. She's waking up..."

I opened my eyes fully to see that my sister had changed into a Mafia's assassin's outfit complete with a pistol, knives, and her spell book (Throwback to when I was writing my Mafia fan fiction and Kiku was the assassin) and Arthur had changed into his regular military-like outfit. He was holding his spell book as well.

"What are you guys talking about? What happened?" I asked. Then the memories came rushing back. "Zara... Arthur, Ruby, where's my daughter?..."

They didn't look at me. They couldn't. They didn't know the half of how I felt and how much my heart dropped. But they knew something I didn't.

"Sapphire, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Arthur said softly. 

"Wh-what?! Since when did that happen?!" I was already panicked and they just added to my fears.

"You're already six weeks in."

[JKJK! That's not actually what happened... No hate, right?.... oh... okay....]

~What actually happened~No hard feelings?~

"Sapphire, Zara... she's not in this realm... We can't trace her auric energy either... It's as if she fell of the face of the Earth..."

"What do you mean 'she fell of the face of the Earth'? How's that possible? She has so much auric energy..."

"I'm going to step out. I need to make a call... You can have a 'lovers' quarrel' if you want..." Ruby quickly rushed out of the room before I was able to throw a pillow at her.

"Dang it, Ruby...." I didn't look at Arthur. I couldn't. I felt so helpless and...


"Arthur, don't. I know what you're going to say and I don't want to hear it." I said as I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I found the two people I was looking for and sent them texts saying:

'I need you here in Bristol, England. Bring all the magic items you can. We'll need them.'

"Love, who are you texting?"

"Just two people we'll need if we're going to find Zara."

"And those two ar- Oh no... You didn't...."

"Yes, yes I did. And send~!"

"I can't believe we're doing this...."

"I thought they're your best friends?"

"They are. But Romania is probably going to bring his entire castle... And Norway is going to bring the Giant...."



I hope you guys don't hurt me because I did that to you guys....

The Prophecy of the TwinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora