Magic, Complications, and Struggles (and fails by Romania)

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Sapphire's Pov
"Sa...pphire?...I....Mom?...." America was brought to tears as well. He joined his brother in my embrace. "We have to tell the others....right?...."
I nodded and the three of us made our way downstairs.
"Welcome back, love." England said as he hugged me. "I've missed's been so long..."
"Did you keep all your memories...or did they disappear as well?" I whisper asked.
"I kept my memories. I couldn't tell you about your real life though. You had to find them on your own or else there would be.... Complications... In getting the rest of your memories back...."
"What do you mean by 'complications'?"
"Come on. We need to speak about this privately." He brought me into the kitchen. "Alright...How much do you remember? Do you have any memory of being with any other countries?"
"Only with you, America, France, and Canada..."
"That's what I thought would happen... You've never had any flashes or dreams about your old memories? Anything that was close to it?"
I blushed slightly remembering what I would do when I was little.
"Uh.... I used to talk to you guys.... as a sort of imaginary friend for me.... I didn't know you were real... I was nine..."
England nodded and thought for a second.
"I'll have to find the spell i kept for you so we can get your memory back."
"Okay... Wait... 'We'? Who is 'we'?"
(I Dont even know what happened...or why I wrote the next part.... At all.... I would've been drunk or something... I Dont know...)
Suddenly, Romania gracefully landed on his feet next to us.
No, no, no! That's not what happened at all! Author-chan! Fix it! Dont make me have to break the fourth wall... Again.... Fix it!
Jeez! Chill! I'll fix it. Just calm down...
Romania attempted to land on his feet, but failed. Epically. Like, it would make you laugh so hard, you would have a hard time breathing. You have no-
Get on with it! Geez, you made me break the fourth wall again!
He was in the air using magic and when he tried to make his special entrance, he ended up falling on his behind.
"Romania! Are you okay? Oh my god! What the hell happened? Why did you just fall out of thin air?" Me being, well, me, it was the game of One Thousand Questions.
"Love, calm down. He wanted to make a special entrance but he spell backfired and..this happened..."
"Anyway, Romania, Norway," As soon as he heard his name, he came walking in. (He was using a special spell to help him hear what they ere talking about) "Allayna, Nina, Zara-"
"Wait, Nina? Zara? They're gonna help too? There's no way we need that many people just to decrypt one spell."
"Love, we need them. Nina and Zara are naturally advance in magic. And they have grown since the last time I saw them. They're teenagers now and they will be of great help."
"Love, are you sure we have to have them help? I Dont feel comfortable with using them like this." I said, very concerned. He gave a me small hug.
"Dont worry. Nothing bad will happen to them."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, love. You Dont have to be so worried."
"Alright. If you say so.. But I get to help. No 'but's! If they are to help, I'm helping too. This is also to get my memories back so..."
He nodded even though I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to allow me to help.
I wonder if Josh has magic as well. I'll have to ask him myself.
End of Chapter One

How did you guys like this? If you haven't read the first and second books, go back and read them!
I will always leave this reminder at the end of each chapter!
Book 1: What is the meaning of...Love?
Book 2: One World, One Girl
Love! Bye!

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