No! You have to hurry!

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Arthur's Pov
"Alright, so I have all the ingredients! Let's get started..." Before I was able to take hold of anything...
"Arthur!" I jumped slightly and quickly turned around.
" Sapphire! You bloody scared me!" I sighed. "Well, good thing you're awake. I was just about ready to start coo-"
"I think I should cook tonight."She said quickly.
"No, that simply won't do. You just woke up. I won't allow it."
"Well, you have to. I'm not gonna eat your food....."
"What the- What do you mean my food? I thought you liked it...."
"No, I don't. London does, though."
"Fine... But what are you going to cook? I'll-"
"You will stay in the living room until I'm done. I will not have you anywhere near my food. Now, out you go." I rolled my eyes and obeyed.
Bloody! No one appreciates my wonderful cooking!
I sat down on the couch and grabbed my spell book.
I'll just use my future spell to see what she's gonna cook...
I spoke the words for the spell and fell into a deep sleep.

"Hey, Arthur! You can cook now if you want!"
(I saw Sapphire lying passed out on the floor.)
'Sapphire! Sapphire! Are you alright?!'
'Dad! What is it?! What's wrong?! Is it Mom?!'
'Hello, Arthur. Lovely to have captured you and your family.....'

I woke up, somewhat sweaty.
"Hey, Arthur! You can cook now if you want!"
Just like the spell said would happen.... But what exactly will happen?....
~Time Skip Because You Guys Know What Happened Here!~
What's taking her-Wait.... No! I have to make sure she's okay!
I rushed over to the dining room where i saw Sapphire, passed out on the floor.
"Sapphire! Sapphire! Are you alright?! Sapphire!" I shook her repeatedly, but getting no response, I went to my first option.
"Zara! Zara! Come down here! Hurry!" I yelled, hoping that she heard me and was not listening to music.
I waited.
Ten seconds. Nothing.
Another ten seconds. Not-
"Dad! What is it?! What's wrong?! Is it Mom?!" I heard my overly loud daughter yell while running towards me.
"Yes... How did you know it was your mother?"
"No time to explain! We have to get her out of here! Dont question it! They're coming!" I was so confused.
"Zara! Slow down! Who is coming? Why do we have to leave?"
"No time to explain! We have to go! Get Mom to another country's house! I'll get Josh!"
"You will explain what is going on right now!"
"Dad, I can't! Not right now! We have to go before the-" There was a loud roar outside. "Oh no! They're here!"
"Who is 'they'?"
"It's the-" Before she could continue the door broke down.
"You bloody! Stay away from us!"
"Oh, Arthur. Always so welcoming...."
"You can shut your trap!"
"You arent very nice to...."
Be Continued

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