Why did you keep this from me?

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Shadowrealms and Leygates Part Three

Zara stood, stunned and scared, trying to comprehend what was just told to her.

"But... Mom... She can't..." she stuttered softly.

"Sorry... But you know her, she's too stubborn. I would've tried but it would make everything worse..." Matthew said.

"Why didn't you-"

"Go with her? She asked me not to and tell you; to make sure you don't try to get yourself killed." he finished for her. "Where's Arthur and Josh?"

"They went down to The Spell Room downstairs to see if-oh no..." She raced down the hall, Matthew following her, and down into The Spell Room to see to disaster that had happened. "No..."

"What happened here? Spell-gone-wrong?" Matt asked looking around the room.

"No... Dad and Josh were using a scrying spell to see if they could find Mom... They said if anything were to happen, they wouldn't give me me a warning and leave right away with weapons... They're going to die if I don't help..." Zara said, using a simple scrying spell to see where the rest of her family went. "Oh no..."

In front of her, in her hands, an image of four bodies appeared. Josh stood, breathless, holding Excalibur, Arthur was bent over and bleeding, and Sapphire was the only one of the three standing in full power. There was a monster two big for the image to show. All Zara could see was that it looked like a dinosaur.

"Matt, what is that?" She asked the blonde behind her. He stopped looking around to see what she was talking about.

"That, Zara, is everyone's-humani, immortal, Elder's-worst nightmare." he replied with a stone-cold face. "That thing is what we've been hoping the 2ps would not be powerful enough to resurrect."

"The Dragon de Élémentaire, Elemental Dragon. This is worse than I thought.... The Elemental Dragon feeds off auric power... Mom and Dad should be too weak to strike... But how is Mom still so powerful?"

"Let me see..." Zara brought her hands closer to Matt's face. "Hmm... Well, that should be obvious... Her armor is from the fifteenth century. It keeps her aura inside so she can't use it and nothing can feed off it."

"How did she...you...?"

"We've lived longer than your uncle, China. We're more advanced than any of the countries or territories or cities."

"It feeds off aura..." she said almost to herself. "So is that why you didn't want me to go?"

Matt nodded. "You would only feed it and sooner or later it would become too powerful for us to kill or send to a Shadow Realm. You're more powerful than your mother-her aura is a blueish-silver while yours is a pure silver. Pure colors are more powerful."

"How do you know what my aura is like?" She was completely confused. Nobody-except her parents-could see her aura.

"Every person has a specific smell. Some can choose a smell, most can't. All Silvers smell of vanilla. All Golds smell of orange. All Pink auras smell of jasmine tea. I smelt a distant vanilla smell coming off of you when you did your scrying."

Zara turned back to the image hovering over her hands. Josh was unconscious on the ground and Arthur was close to falling too.

"Matthew, I need to go help!" She yelled, frustrated and scared.

"Okay, but I need to give you something." The smell of sea water filled the air as a suit of armor covered the young Sorceress. On her back, two swords hung, the hilts of the blades shown over her shoulders. "It's made especially for you. It's Silver so your aura is more protected. Your mother knew some day she wouldn't be able to protect you and/or have to fight along side you so she made this. You will be safe from harm in this."

"Thank you, Uncle."

"Of course. But be warned;if a single piece of it comes off, you will be in grave danger. Be careful."

She dropped the scrying spell and hugged him. "Thank you... I will..."

"You must go now. I will follow along soon. Go help your family."

Zara let go, nodded, and said three words:

'Teleport to Alcatraz'

She smiled at her uncle as a flash of light teleported her to the middle of the battle.

"Zara! What are you doing here?!" Sapphire yelled at her daughter, but as soon as she saw her armor, she stopped and nodded. "Let's go!"

The two of them unsheathed their swords and raced forward.


'Shadow Realm and Leygates' is almost over. Hang in there, okay?


~Sapphire Mustang

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