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Sapphire's POV
I fell asleep and woke up at around seven. The sun was low and I was losing my energy. I may have just woken up but I don't have energy at night or when it's dark. It just is like that....
I stood up and stretched. I had been lying down for more than nine hours. I needed to walk around.
I headed down stairs and went straight to the kitchen where I found the most horrific scene ever:
Arthur was going to start cooking.
I thought quickly and before I realized what I was doing, I blurted out, "Arthur!"
He jumped a little in surprise before quickly turning to face me.
"Sapphire! You bloody scared me!" He sighed. "Well, good thing you're awake. I was just about ready to start coo-"
"I think I should cook tonight." I said quickly.
"No, that simply won't do. You just woke up. I won't allow it."
"Well, you have to. I'm not gonna eat your food....."
If you can call it that, I thought to myself.
"What the- What do you mean my food? I thought you liked it...."
"No, I don't. London does, though."
"Fine... But what are you going to cook? I'll-"
"You will stay in the living room until I'm done. I will not have you anywhere near my food. Now, out you go..." He rolled his eyes and obeyed. "Now, let's get started!"
~After an hour or so of cutting food, making white rice, and so on~
"Alright! Hey, Arthur! You can cook now if you want!" I yelled loudly (Like an American) from the kitchen.
He walked in with an unamused face.
"Why did you tell me to leave then?" He looked around the kitchen to see no mess; no knives, cutting boards, ingredients, nothing. "Did you cook at all?"
I nodded my head and walked into the dining room.
"Hope you like pasta! I make some special dish-in which I forgot the name of.... But it's good!" He walked up to the table.
"How do you know how to make it if you don't even know the name of it?"
"I don't know, but while I was recovering some more of my memories, this recipe came with. Apparently I made this for the Italians when they were chibis."
"Wow, you really remember that small of a detail? Uh... Maybe we should eat this in the living room...."
"What? Arthur, why the living room?"
"I.... Just want to eat there...."
I nodded my head, even though I was not convinced that was the only reason.
We grabbed our plates and forks and headed to the living room. I sat down on one end of the couch and Arthur sat on the other end.
"Man! This smells so good! I can't wait to try it!" I smiled and swirled my fork in the pasta. I raised it to my mouth and the moment it hit my tongue, I knew it would be hard for me to stop eating. "So god!"
"God? What do you mean 'god'?"
I swallowed and cleaned my face with a napkin.
"I meant, 'So good!' I can't believe I only ate this for a year and stopped!" I continued eating until my plate was clear of pasta or the sauce. I stood up but... I felt as if something was wrong.... I shook it off and walked over to the kitchen. I placed my plate into the sink and went to the dining room to grab the left over pasta to put it in the refrigerator. As soon as I grabbed the pasta plate, my head started to pound. I shook it off once again and finished my task. I was on my way to walk back to Arthur in the living room when everything went black.
Next chapter will be in Arthur's pov for this. Just saying.......

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