The Dead I Give Life To (Prologue)

Start from the beginning

He didn’t like to talk about it. As far as it concerned him, it was a burden, and whenever I brought it up he changed the subject. He hadn’t accepted it like everyone else had, or like I had.

And I doubted even after it was born he would.

I call it ‘it’. We don’t know the gender (if it even has one) but I don’t want to know. I will fight until the death to protect my child, no matter what gender, and it does not bother me if Chase is not there to help me. If he doesn’t want any part in our child, that is his loss.

But if he thinks for a second this child will suffer at all to the hands of scientific experiments, I will take the freaking chainsaw from him and cut open all his organs and personally hand feed them to the zombies.

At least he’d suggested that I stop transferring blood to the zombies until after I’d given birth. I hoped my child would have my blood type, so I wouldn’t solely be reliable for converting the however many billions of zombies on planet earth back to humans.

On the bright side, we’d discovered that anyone I converted back would be have the same blood type as I would, but as I’d only converted Stark’s daughter, Mabel, so far,  it was still me and her left to save the world. And possibly my unborn child as well, when it was time.

Coco didn’t count, as she was a dog, and Chase didn’t want to risk adding anymore different blood into the already complicated mix.

Coco and Mabel were both adapting back really well. Mabel was already beginning to talk more normally again, and she was gaining more strength by the day.

Coco and Isu got along really well, considering that Coco was once a zombie and that Isu was over twice her size and still growing. My family was constantly growing.

“KAIN! ARE YOU HURT DARLIN’??!” A southern voice screeched, running up to Kain and throwing her arms around his neck.

“I’m fine Paulie” Kain told his girlfriend Paulie, and I smiled at them. Well, until their mouths found each others, and they began making slurpy noises. Ugh.

Something hit me emotionally. Was it...Envy? Chase hadn’t kissed me, told me he loved me, or said anything nice to me ever since he found out about the baby. It hurt to see everyone else in love, and to love someone who was being so distant.

“I think we should be heading back to camp” Chase announced, and he began to walk away, not waiting for anyone.

Not even me.

Back at camp, I took a shower, as my clothes had gotten stained with zombie blood. As the cool water rushed over my body, I thought about Chase, and I tried to remember anything that I had said to him that could have offended him.

In my stomach, the baby moved, sensing my agitation. I stroked my stomach soothingly, and the baby settled down again. Surely it couldn’t be mutant if it responded like this to me?

Without warning, I heard the door to my bedroom open and slam shut, and footsteps go towards the en suite I was currently in. Heavy fists thumped on the door, and I switched off the shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around myself.

Quickly, I put on some panties, as I didn’t want to be totally indecent.

“Chase?” I called out. No response. I left my wet hair dripping onto my towel, and once my towel was secure around my body I stepped out of the bathroom, into my bedroom. Why is the light not on, I’m sure I left it turned on...?

Suddenly, I was knocked off my feet, and someone spun me around so my back was pressed against their chest, and their arm was wrapped around my neck. It was a guy, I could tell that much. They had no bumps if you catch my drift.

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