Start from the beginning

Shadow : ........... um ... no comment

Scourge : Don't wanna say it while I'm around?

Shadow : Pretty much

Scourge : Have a soft heart?

Shadow : Maybe

Scourge : Oh I get it then. I'll be in the bathroom then *walks away*

Shadow : ..... To be honest, I haven't protected her at all over the last couple of weeks. I haven't done my job as a big brother.  That's why she gets into messes like that *points*

Starlight : *barking*

Shadow : So ..... new year new me, right? I'll try to be the best I can be, by protecting her at any level of danger

Scourge : *walks in, relaxed* That break felt good

Shadow : You disgust me

Scourge : At least I got Silver

Silver : *gulp*

Shadow : Why?

Scourge : He has a comment

Shadow : And it says?

Scourge : Silver- who are your parents

Shadow : ............. really?

Silver : Um, *points to Starlight and Shadow*

Shadow : *was covering Scourge's eyes*

Scourge : *confused*

Shadow :  Next?

Scourge : Its for Starlight though

Shadow : ..... *looks at Starlight*

Starlight : ............

Shadow : .... behave

Starlight : No promises

Shadow : Good enough.

Scourge ; Starlight- if you could swap shadow with someone else to be your brother, who? Or would you keep shadow?

Starlight : *frowns*

Shadow: *looks at her* Well?

Starlight : Why would I want to replace him?

Shadow : .......

Starlight : Sure he's a huge jerk... but he's MY huge jerk. My one and only brother. I can't have a brother that's just as valuable as him...... I wouldn't ask for a better one.

Shadow : *ears down* Star ...

Starlight : We've been together for over 50 years now. Since the moment we breathed in air and walked on our own two feet. Having a different brother isn't going to give me those precious memories. Having a different brother isn't going to teach me what it means to be part of the Black Arms. And having a different brother isn't going to satisfy my love. Only Shadow can do so. He's my personal helper and best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him .... If I .... had a different brother ...... *sniff* I'd be dead.... cause of death? ..... suicide....

Shadow : *looks away, biting his lip*

Scourge : ........

Starlight : It was after Shadow and I got reunited here.... after the Space Colony Ark incident ..... We really ... really ....  REALLY missed Maria and the professor ...... it bothered me to the point where I tried to shoot myself with one of Shadow's pistols. But you know what happened? He stepped up and took my hand ... he showed me the road of life and what I could do in the future.... he .... he's my hero. He's my idol. But most importantly ........ he's my brother.

Shadow : *coughs a bit, wiping his eyes*

Scourge : ...... I see .... *smiles* I guess I should thank you Shadow. I wouldn't have had her without you ...

Shadow : *sniff* Wh-Whatever ....

Starlight : .......

Sonic : *wipes his eyes as he holds up a sign with a crying emoji*

Shadow : ...... f-f*** it! *unties Starlight*

Starlight : *stands up* Shad -

Shadow : *hugs her quickly and tightly*

Starlight : .....

Shadow : *is now ..... CRYING!!* I'm sorry for being a jerk all these years!! I'm sorry!

Starlight : ..... *smiles weakly and hugs back, crying on his shoulder* Its okay Shadow ... I forgive you

Scourge ; *sniff* .... D-Damn it. End the scene before the readers start crying!

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