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"It isn't over, Simon."

Her voice flutters through the darkness.

"You can't trust him."

It's so dark all around me. Is this real? A light appears in the distance.

"Listen to me, Simon. You're still in danger. There isn't anyone left to trust."

That doesn't make any sense. The light is coming closer to me now. I want nothing more than for it to consume me. Save me from the dark.

"Simon Snow, don't forget that you are still the Chosen One."

Her voice echoes all around me, transforming into a monstrous roar. The light is almost to me now. I close my eyes and the sound disappears. I am freezing.

* * *

"Sir, sir. You're okay, right? Sir?" A voice says and I feel hands around my shoulders, shaking me. I open my eyes and see an unfamiliar face. A terrified young man, probably around my age, is the one shaking me.

"What happened?" I manage to say before looking around and realizing that I'm in the middle of a crowded street with no shoes on. I can't feel my feet.

"You ran into me back there and I think I knocked you over. Then, you got up and ran over here. After that, I'm pretty sure you passed out." I remember running into him, suddenly. Holy shit. I must look as insane as everyone thinks I am. This kid is traumatized. My silence seems to bother him even more so he speaks again, more frantically this time. "Are you with anyone? Is there anyone I can call? Are you okay?"

"I think I'm okay. This is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry." I say and start to stand up. He shifts his on my shoulders to under my arm and helps me off of the ground.

"You're not even wearing shoes, man. Where did you come from? Where can I take you?" He isn't letting go of me. I am mortified. I look around for the hotel and then point to it. He immediately starts pulling me gently in that direction.

"You don't even know me. You don't have to help me. I think I can manage from here." I say and my voice betrays me by cracking. I didn't even realize that I was crying until right now.

"I don't need to know you to help you. Let's just get you to where you need to be and worry about introductions then. Okay?" He responds, already calming down a bit. I nod but he doesn't see.

"Do you have a name?" He asks when we finally have made it inside the hotel and onto an elevator. I look down at my soaked socks, practically dying from embarrassment.

"Simon. Simon Snow." I answer.

"That's a cool name." He responds genuinely, causing a weak laugh to rise in my chest.

"What about you?"

"I'm Eli Zuniga. Well, Eliseo is my first name but only mi abuela calls me that."

I manage a smile and Eli looks back toward the elevator doors. Then, it hits me that Eli is a Normal. He didn't even blink when I told him my name. He doesn't know that I was the Chosen One. He doesn't know a single thing about me.

And, for the first time in a very long time, I feel something that resembles relief.

*Author's Note:  I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!  Please vote, comment, and share if you did!*

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