I bite my lip, "Yeah, this one," I point to the new tattoo, all red around the edges once I pull away the bandage lightly to glance at it, "is because she gave me purpose in this life. I hated myself and now I have something to live for." I drop my shirt to motion to the back of my neck, "and this one is because she has always been my angel."

The room is quiet after I stop talking and I move my eyes back and forth from the two sitting in front of me. Hailey looks as if she is off in her own world, but Henry's bottom lip curls and he stands up quickly.

"That's it! I need a tissue!" and with that he scurries out of the room, continuously running a finger under his eyes. 

I stare after him slightly smiling.

"I want someone to love me the way you love her," Hailey says quietly pulling my attention to her. She sighs, while playing with her fingers and I watch silently, "Zayn cheated on me with this girl named Gigi. We were living together and one day he came home," she sighs louder this time, "beat me and kicked me out. He left me banging on our loft's door bloody and crying."

My jaw clenches as she continues.

"My family disowned me after I told them I wasn't going to college and I dropped out of high school. I have no money, no place of residency, I only got a job at the bar because the owner thinks I'm hot, and the car I drive," she bites her bottom lip as I see a tear run down her cheek, "is Henry's."

She lets out a couple heavy breathes before completely collapsing in my arms. She hunches forward, completely losing herself into my shoulder. Her arms wrap around my neck, careful not to touch my new tattoo as her sobbing begins. It's quiet at first and I'm shocked. My whole body goes into defensive mode, ready to push her far away from me when I realize how broken her heart is and how much it would mean to her if I gave her a simple hug back.

Just a hug.

My arms slowly slink across her lower back, holding her firmly, but nowhere compared to how tightly and lovingly I hold Selena. It's different when I hold my angel, and I have no words to describe it, but it just feels right and I want to do it again and again.

 Hailey's arms tighten around me as I slowly rest my cheek against her hair. Somehow the more she cries the more put together I feel. 

I had everything and I took it for granted like a fucking snob. She has nothing and I had judged her the second she started preparing my drinks, before I even knew her story. 

I run my fingers up and down her back as her sobbing begins to quiet down and I make sure to pull her closer.

"It's okay," I whisper to her, "It's going to be okay," I don't believe a word I'm saying and neither does she because her laugh breaks through. It's broken and laced with pain, but at least it's a laugh. 

"I can't believe you're telling me its going to be okay," she half smirks, half cries into my shoulder and I smile slightly.

"I know, ironic isn't it?"

"I also can't believe," she whispers, "you didn't push me away. I didn't expect you to comfort me when I cried."

I didn't expect to either, sweetie, but I did.

I sigh, still running my hand up and down her back, "I've made too many women cry and I don't want to do it anymore."

With that, she suddenly pulls away from my hold, "You have to go back to her," Hailey stares at me deeply, tears staining her cheeks, "You can't leave Selena alone because you aren't just punishing yourself, but punishing her too."

My eyes pour into hers and I can see my reflection this close in her orbs. I touch her forehead to remove the fallen hairs away from her face as I nod.

Take Me 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora