Give In

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For weeks as Tony glanced up to his female partner, her eyes were glued to her desktop or sometimes on her lap. She would be holding back tears when she would look up and meet his glare. Ziva quickly looked away and back to her computer.

Tony watched his partner bottling emotions up inside her, swallowing her whole.

"Ziva," he whispered while they both were leaving one evening.

"Hmm?" Ziva said starring at the shiny elevator doors, as if she was expecting something or someone to pop out from them.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, watching her expression fade from nothing to pain to nothing again.

"I'm okay. Just tired." Ziva whispered, aching to tell him the truth, the whole truth.

"Zi," Tony reached for her arm. She shifted away and rushed out the opening doors.

Tony stood there in shock as he watched Ziva exit the building and jogging into the blistering cold.

Later that night, Tony sat on the edge of his twin sized bed fumbling his phone. Debating on calling her or not, he leaned back and looked up at his white apartment ceiling.

He finally decided what he was going to do. Sitting back up, he pressed her name and held his phone up to his ear. Getting the call is busy notice, he almost hung up until words filled the speaker.

"You have reached me. Sorry I can't get to the phone at the moment. You know what to do," Ziva's voicemail declared.

After the tone, Tony took a deep breath. "Hey Zi,"

He looked at the blank wall in front of him. "There'll be days your heart don't wanna beat," he started slowly. "That you pray more than you breathe, and you just wanna fall to pieces."

"And nights, those 2 AM calls
Where dreams become walls. And you just need a break....Break on me" Tony started straight ahead focusing on the words that were excepting form his lips.

"Shatter like glass, Come apart in my hands, Take as long as it takes, Zi. Just Break on me." He whispered, hoping that it was not noticeable that he was choking up.

"Put your head on my chest. Let me help you forget, When your heart needs to break. There'll be times when someone you know, Becomes someone you knew, But you'd do anything to change it and words you wanna take back. But you know you can't. When the page just won't turn and it still hurts." He paused, someone hoping that she would be on the other side of the phone, listening to each and every word he was saying to the letter.

"When you need somebody, When you need somebody right now, You're where I'll be. Break on me, baby" he whispered. Slowly, he lowered the phone to his lap and disconnected the call.

Putting the call out his mind, he arose from his seat and slowly headed toward the kitchen. Opening a can of soup and pouring it in a pot, his mind tumbled on what was going to happen when she listened to that message.

Finishing the bowl of Chicken Noodle soup, his phone started to buzz. Pausing the movie that he had put on, he read the caller ID.

"Ziva." He read aloud. "Finally,"

"Hello?" He answered.

"Tony," a voice shook on the other line. It was not Zivas. "Ziva is dead." Tony recognized the voice as Gibbs'.

"What?" Tony gasped, dropping the remote to his floor.

"She called me about an hour ago. She said she needed help. She was panicky. I got here as soon as I could, but i was too late." Gibbs explained sniffling.

"How..." Tony trailed off grabbing his keys and running out the door, not caring that everything was left on.

"It looks like she was beaten." Gibbs whispered looking at his agent sprawled out on her own bed, with blood dripping from a wound on her forehead.

Tony stopped dead in his tracks. She's gone.

Sorry for the depressing chapter. I think it came out pretty good though, thanks for the reads guys and please DM me or comment any ideas!


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