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"Easy, easy!" Tony said helping his female partner off the couch. She was shot twice in the stomach one barely missing her liver and the other grazed the bottom of her left lung.

"I'm fine Tony!" She hissed as he lifted her off the couch where she had been for the past 3 hours.

"Okay, Okay!" Tony said backing off a little. "Come on, I need to change your bandage." He helped her to his bedroom and sat her on the edge of his bed.

She sat slowly down and laid back painfully. She was looking up at the ceiling thinking about what got her into this-

"Ziva, Tony, you take the back. McGee, take front with me." Gibbs instructed.

"Ready?" McGee asked through the ear piece a few minutes later.

"Yeah," Tony answered taking his position at the back door of the suspects house.

"Remember, he has killed one of us. He won't give it a second thought." Gibbs warned. "Now!"

The two teams burst into the house quietly. McGee and Gibbs headed up the stairs leading to the second and final level of the little town house.

Ziva and Tony cleared the ground level. Or so they thought.

A closet door burst open and a man with a small .45 caliber pistol.

"Ziva!" Yelled Tony to warn his partner, but he was to late, the man shot twice and hit his mark.

In one quick action Tony lifted his dog and shot the suspect in the head. He was dead before he hit the floor.

"Tony," Ziva whispered as she staggered back dropping her gun.

"Ziva!" Tony said again rushing to catch her.

"DiNozzo! What happened?" Yelled Gibbs hearing the commotion. When he reached the middle of the stair case he saw his girl bleeding out on the floor. "McGee call an ambulance now! Ziva's hit!"

"Tony," she whispered again looking into his eyes pain overwhelming her body. She lifted her arm slightly put was too week and dropped it.

"No, Zi, stay with me," Tony said louder. One hand was putting pressure on her stomach but she was loosing blood fast. A tear escaped as he started to panic.

She kept his gaze. "I love..." She whispered before falling limp into his arms.

"No!! Gibbs where's the ambulance?!" He yelled.

"It's on its way," Gibbs said kneeling next to his family.


"Zi?" Tony whispered noticing the blankness in her eyes at which he saw when she lay lifeless in his arms.

"I could have died. I should have died." She whispered, a tear running down her face.

Tony later down next to her on his side. "Yes Zi, you should have died. But you didn't because you are still needed here. We still need you here." He paused cupping her cheek ms softly turning her head towards him. "I still need you. I will always need you."

She looked into his eyes and nodded. Her lip started to tremble as she was holding in a sob.

"Easy," he whispered leaning over and kissing her cheek, extremely close to her quivering lips. "I love you," he whispered into her ear. "I cannot live without you."

He backed away and looked into her eyes. Scared that he scared her away he let out a breath and frowned.

"I love you too, Tony." She whispered smiling.

"Let's get these bandages changed then I will get us some smoothies." He laughed standing up.

"I want real food. Not mushed up or blended." She wined.

"Not until the doctor says that you can Zi," Tony said grabbing the white duffle bag from the corner.

From how Ziva was hit, the doctors gave her a bandage that wraps tightly around her stitches with only wrapping around her once, since she cannot stand up straight.

"Ready?" Tony whispered knowing this was extremely painful for her.

"I guess," she slightly sighed, one last year escaping before she quickly whipped it away.

Tony took out the cold steel scissors and started to softly cut the white bandage.

The cold metal moved up her stomach and she shuttered. She always hated this part when Tony had a full view of her small stomach and her waist. She knew that he say the older scars that lined her body. He never said anything about it though.

After the bandage was cut. Both sides fell to the sides exposing her flat stomach. Tony cautiously ran his hand under Zivas back and slowly lifted her waist off the mattress.

Ziva hissed from the pain from the movement.

"Sorry," he mumbled hating when Ziva was in pain. Especially when he could have stopped it, Prevented It.

Leaving his hand there he quickly ran the new bandage under her and wrapped it tightly.

"Done," he smiled looking down at his beautiful partner.

She lifted her head while Tony helped her up to her wobbly feet.

"You know," Tony whispered holding her waist. "You never did finish what you were saying before you passed out."

"I love you, Tony. I always have, and I always will." She whispered with her hands rested on Tony's strong chest.

"I love you too, my little ninja." He whispered pulling her in for a long and passionate kiss.

Sorry for the long wait. Just started high school and its... Hell.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!


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