Glad you came pt 1

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"What?" Ziva asked shock overwhelming her face.

"You are being suspended for the foreseeable future," Director Vance stated.

"Why? I am a great Agent!" Ziva defended.

Gibbs was standing in the back just watching the life roll out of one of his best Agents. He had the urge to step in and help her, but it had already been discussed.

"I'm sorry Ms. David. Please hand in your badge and your weapon. " Vance said softly.

"This is unbelievable!" She sighed putting her Sig and badge on the desk.

"Ziva," Gibbs tried to grab the arm of his suspended Agent, but she dodged him and slipped out the door.

"This is a mistake." Gibbs growled harshly at his boss before following her out.

Ziva barged into the squad room. Tears peaked from her eyes as she grabbed her bag and slipped important papers and things from her desk.

Tony and McGee looked at Ziva worriedly. Then they switched their gaze to their boss wanting answers.

Ziva looked up at her team and opened her mouth to say something, but emotion ran through her and she just turned and headed for the elevator.

"Boss," Tony asked, knowing that Gibbs would know what he was talking about.

"Go." Gibbs said leaning back in his chair.

Tony grabbed his jacket and dashed to make the elevator. He just made it as the doors were about to close.

Ziva stood there starring at the shinny doors trying to focus on something else.

Tony stepped forward and flipped the emergency switch. "What happened Zi?"

Ziva backed up against the wall and looked up. "I was suspended indefinitely."

"Why?" Tony asked surprised.

"They didn't tell me," Ziva whispered years running down her face.

"They?" Tony whispered slipping a hand in hers.

"Gibbs and the Director," Ziva said looking at him, standing up straight.

"Ziva," he whispered putting his forehead against hers, there noses touching.

She said nothing as she looked deep in his green eyes.

Tony lifted his free hand and used his thumb to wipe the salty tears from her face. "We're not partners anymore,"

Ziva smiled, but quickly hid it, but not before Tony saw it.

"Come over tonight, I will talk to Gibbs." He whispered softly getting lost in her deep pained brown eyes.

Ziva stepped back and hit the emergency switch. The loud elevator started to move once again.

She stepped back and kissed his cheek slowly. Her lips lingering on his skin a bit longer than usual.

"I take that as a yes then?" Tony asked as the doors opened to the parking garage.

"Maybe," she whispered before walking out.


Tony got home earlier than he thought. Even with one less agent, the three of them had finished the case with wondering minds.

He opened his apartment door and walked to his fish.

"Hey Kate." Tony whispered grabbing her flaked goldfish food.

He drizzled a few flakes in the bowl. "Don't give me the fish eye, We're not partners anymore. So all bets are off."

He closed the can and headed for his bedroom. His father had gotten him a new king mattress.

His apartment was always clean. Everything had its place and it always stayed there.

He opened his little closet and pulled out five lilac candles. He placed one on each nightstands and lit them. He put two in his family room one in the kitchen. Soon his small apartment had a slight smell of flowers.

Tony changed his suit and sat on his couch wondering if that "maybe" was a maybe "yes" or a maybe "no".

His wondering was cut short when a soft knock came from his door.

He quickly stood up, and headed for the door. He opened it to two large brown eyes starring up at him.

"Ziva," he breathed opening the door so she could enter.

She smiled slightly at the ground as she walked in.

"I'm glad you came," Tony said shutting the door behind her.

Part one!!! Hope you guys like it!! It's slow but it will heat up next chapter!!!! 😉

WARNING- read next chapter at your own risk.

Thanks for reading!!


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