ch 14 back again

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Arawen pov

I wake up to alot of ruckus. I moan and immediately all the healers are at my side.

Not again... I am back with the healers.

I look for Legolas. I can't seem to find him.

I ask where is my fiance.

They all look at me like I have gone bonkers.

I tell them I even have the ring to prove it.

I try to lift my hand but I can't seem to move it.

All the healers see that I am struggling to lift my hand.

So they look at me and say it must be the head injury.


I start to cry and they tell me that I should be okay and that legolas is in the next room. I get out of my bed and they tell me not to I don't listen. I fall to my knees and I can't get up.

I try to inch my way over to legolas but the healers grab me.

I kick and struggle but I am unsuccessful. I give in and they set me back on my bed.

Just as I get settled king thranduil rushes in and yells WHERE IS MY SON!!!!! at the top of his lungs.

He sees me in the bed as helpless as I am. He walks over to me and says this is your fault. How could you allow this to happen to the prince?

I am completely baffled by what is going on and then a pale figure is standing at the door of my room. It takes me a minute to figure out who it is then I relieze it is Legolas.

All of a sudden he falls. I gasp. I rush to him but I fall as well. He whispers some words to me. He tells me that he is okay and that we will have the wedding soon. Then he goes limp I cry and I muster as much strength as I can and take him back to his room. My leg is burning and hurting almost as if knives where being shot into it. I put legolas back on the bed. I yell for the healers and tell king thranduil.

I watch helplessly as the healers gather round him.

King thranduil gets very angry with me because he believes that it is all my fault. He hits me and kicks me and I can't do anything about it I am hurt weak and can't hold myself up. Legolas wakes up enough to see his father hitting me and kicking me.

Legolas yells hoarsely to put guards with me and to tend to my wounds and to take care of me.

Legolas pov

Everything around me is fuzzy but the one thing that is clear is arawen. I am fighting to get better for her but I need her.

My father is being irrational and I see him hitting Arawen she is crying and hiding her face. I try to get up but can't so I yell orders.

It takes all of my strength.

Arawen pov

The healers take me to another room. I can't stop crying. There are guards posted by my door and one sitting next to me.

I am waiting for everything to settle down so that I can sneak back to legolas.

I lay there in my bed waiting. I feel the edge to sleep come upon me. I allow the sleep to come.

I dream. I dream of legolas and I together safe and sound. We are gathered near the fire cuddled up for warmth and everything is going well. I wake up from my lovely sleep and see that it is midnight. No one should be around. I get in the wheel chair that is sitting by my bed that is just waiting for me. I don't really want to use it but I can't walk very well.

I wheel myself down the hallway leaving the guards. They all fell asleep..... What good protected they are.

I go down about five corridors and finally reach Legolas' room. I see him sleeping in his bed. I look at his beautiful face alot of the color has returned. I jump onto his bed with him. I let the cool embrace of sleep take me with it as I say to my love Ollo vae (sweet dreams)

I feel so much better being with the love of my life.

I go to sleep feeling Legolas' breathing, it soothes me to sleep.

I dream of being in a green meadow with no cares and running with legolas.

I am rudely interrupted from my dream by the chaos of guards searching for me.

They come in and I pretend to be cuddled up next to legolas alseep.

I hear a quite moan from legolas as his bright eyes open and adjust to my face. I laugh because I am so happy and he says Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog (I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh)

I can't help but smile the greatest smile ever because I am so happy to see him.

He then hears his ada.

Legolas pov

I hear my ada coming down the hall. He walks in my room and sees Arawen hiding her face in the cress of my arm.

My ada gets furious that she is here with me in my room.

I decide that before he can say anything I will argue with him first.

ada before you say anything Arawen is my fiancé I asked her for her hand in marriage. Ada Arawen means everything to me and if you want lash out at her then you will have to go through me.

Son I am sorry that I did such a thing but I accept your and this girl.

My ada leaves the room and arawen looks up at me and says thank you!

The healers come in about 24 hrs later and release us from the hospital.

The Prince ( A Legolas Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن