ch.8 seeing again

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Legolas' pov

I started to wake up and open my eyes. As the haze of sleep began to leave me, my eyes were graced with the sight of the beautiful Arawen asleep at my bed side. I started to sit up and I felt an intense pain coming from my chest area. I cried out in pain and in doing so my father came in with a worried expression upon his face and arawen startled awake.

My father came in and arawen was trying clumsily to get up so that she can properly greet my ada. (Father) My ada had a proud smile on his face and a look of relief as well as an under tone of worry written all over his face. It made me wonder what happen exactly and how long have I been out like this. It worried me slightly that I made my father this worried about me.

Arawen was finally able to get up in her feet. finally reaches her feet and immediately tried to bow (that didn't go so great) she ended up falling on her butt. I couldn't help but laugh slightly. She struggled to get back on her feet considering she was in a bulky cast. Surprisingly my father extended his hand. She took his hand greatful to be up off the floor and immediately greeted my father by saying hír nîn (my Lord) but before she could finish her sentence my father interrupted her and said "No need for the formal greeting Arawen. You may call me thranduil because you brought my son home."


Yes ion nîn.

Ada what happen? (I began to feel like a young efling again)

Well ion nîn this young lady here brought you back from the battle field injured and you have been out approximately for the past 2 days.

Elo! (Wow)

Yes ion nîn it is very Elo!

Are you hungry ion nîn?

Yes I replied.

My father then turned to arwen who was looking down trying not to listen to our father son conversation. He then asked her " Are you hungry as well arawen?"

"Yes , but hír nîn I can get my own..."

" Arawen I told you to call me Thranduil and I will not have you getting up and getting your food. No, arawen I will have one of the guards bring you both food. You both need your strength if you two are going to heal faster."

My ada then turned on his heel and swiftly left the room and left us alone.

"So what happened to you?" I asked her.

"Well after I brought you in from the battle, you were taken away to see the healers and I was on my way to my room when I fell to the floor and passed out... apparently during the battle I managed to break my leg and still carry you in to the palace."

"What exactly did you break" I asked... She replied "I broke one of the major bones and have a pretty good facture on my foot."

"What about you?" She asked.

"Well I mean I have been stabbed and shot at and of course the usual cuts and scrapes..."

Just as we were beginning to warm up to each other a knock came to my door and the guard came in carrying two trays of food. One for me and one for Arawen.

As I try to sit up a sharp pain came from my wound and I accidentally let out a cry of pain Nîdh! (Ouch)

Arawen then immediately jumped up and starts asking me "are you okay?" I said "yes just a little pain that's all."

Then Arawen relaxed, sat back down and began to eat her food again. Once we both finished and begins to fall into a deep sleep.

As I watch her drift into a deep sleep I can't help but notice how pretty she is even when she is sleeping.

I decided to leave her be and got up carefully out of my bed with very few winces of pain.

I walk into the hall and decided to go to the throne room where I knew my father would be.

Ada? I call out.

Yes ion nîn.

Ada I wanted to tell you that I like Arawen.

I sensed that ion nîn.

You did ada?

Yes ion nîn.

Well what should I do about it ada?

Follow your heart ion nîn.

Okay ada.

Just be careful ion nîn.

And that is where we left it.

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