ch.9 finding love

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Arawen's pov

I woke up and realized that I was still in Legolas's room.

I lifted my drowsy head up and peered around to see the door starting to open. It was Legolas. I couldn't help the heat that came to my face and put a bright pink flush to them when I saw him. I don't know why I reacted this way but there was no denying it.... there was something different. Maybe for the best....

After he saw that I was awake he said "there's my sleeping beauty!" I was shocked truly shocked that now I was HIS sleeping beauty, not that I had a problem with it.... I tried to hold a the blush back and failed miserably but it looked to me like legolas was holding one back but doing a spectacular job at it, but I couldn't be sure.

He then surprised me even more and asked me "arawen would do me the great pleasure of accompanying me for a walk outside?" It took me a whole second to get my bearings but I finally answered.... "yes I would love to accompany you for a walk but first I must stop by to see the healers. They told me that I would be able to get this cast off and return to normal function today." "Well lady arawen it seems you and I have a stop in common. I must also stop by the healers to get these terrible bandages off." I congratulated him

"That is great news!! I am so happy you are allowed to get them off. It must be a great relief to you."
"It is. I am quite pleased with my ability to heal quickly. I don't know what I would do without it, considering I would probably still be in terrible pain and bed ridden for several more weeks."
With that being said we walked out of Legolas's room.

We stuck up a casual conversation getting a fee for one another and we began to talk about each others interest and we figure out where exactly we wanted to walk to.
We both spat out many great suggestions but we ultimately chose to walk by the Mirkwood river and into a beautiful part of Mirkwood forest. It happened to be one of the most romantic places within Mirkwood or so I had been told.

As our conversation truly began to get interesting and Legolas and I feeling more comfortable with one another we were abruptly interrupted. We had managed to reach the healers area and we both walked in to the healers area together. Once within the doors of the healers complex various healers were grabbing Legolas and I and taking us in opposite directions. They escort us into two separate rooms. My healer sat me up on a metal table and began to saw my cast off . The healer who was working on my leg says "your leg and foot has healed quite nicely I am very pleased with these results just remember to be careful this." I quickly nodded my agreement and poked my head out to look down the hall. My eyes were met with Legolas's beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't tear my gaze away as he began to take off his tunic. He happened to catch me mid blush, I couldn't decided wether to giggle or be mortified. I went with the first rather than the latter and within seconds I was giggling like a kid again, blushing at the fact that Legolas looked super cute without his tunic on. Though he still had a really black and blue bruise where he had been hit but roger than that he was blemish free from what I could see. I finally got the courage and walked into his room, he and I are instantly both caught up in the moment. I am his queen and he is my king. We embrace each other and walk out the door after he puts his tunic back on.

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