ch.7 healing

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Arawen pov

I started to regain consciousness I woke up and was in my room alone I tried to get up and a sharp pain shot through me so fast and furious that I screamed in pain. But the scream that came out of my mouth was not one I was excepting. The scream uttered the name of The Prince as Loud as it could.


The Next thing I knew a guard and a healer came bursting through my door. They kept asking me "are you okay?" and I kept replying "yes I am fine! just a little pain".  Of course I was lying because I can tell you now the pain that coursed through me was like a Mirkwood tree falling on top of me crushing every single bone in my body.

They kept asking me "are you sure"? I just kept saying " yes  I am fine... yes I am okay" they could tell I was becoming agitated. So they hurried out of the room and didn't come back. Part of me was thankful, the other part of me though felt like something was missing.

After I knew that they were gone I took the liberty to glance around my room and take aa quick survey of the items within. Everything looked the same with the exception of crutches and a wheelchair in one cornering the room.
I couldn't stand the thought to think that I would be confined to the likes of crutches or a wheelchair.To me the thought of using crutches or a wheelchair said that I was weak. That I was not strong enough to endure the pain like I should be. It also felt like a prison. It was the prison where I had the free will to do whatever I want but Innoway they were like shackles because I was always confined to them. I just wanted to be free didn't want to have to use any of these things but I knew I would have to. There was no getting around them.

I finally stuffed away my pride and decided that I wanted to get out of my stuffy old room. So I grabbed the crutches and made my way out the door and down the hall go Legolas' room. I wanted to check on him to see how he was doing.

I arrived at the door and gave a quick rap tap tap on the door.To my surprise,no one answered. So I eased the door open and went on inside.
When I walked in I beheld the sight that was the handsome prince of Mirkwood, Legolas laying on his bed not unmoving,pale,and breathing that could only be described as painful, shallow and straggly.

I made my clumsy way to the chair next to his bed and just started to talk. I rambled on about how he should've been more careful not have tried to save me. I could've handled my own I kept telling him, but I knew it was a lie it hadn't been for him.orc would've killed me. I just kept rambling on and on until I drifted off to sleep.

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