Chapter 20

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Few Weeks Later
I was with Kim at the drug store. I had to pick up some tampons and she went along for the ride. Eric had some business to take care of for a little while so I took that opportunity to go out and run some errands.
I paid for my things and we were on our way out of the store, when my phone ranged.
I got in the car and took my phone out of my purse as Kim was cutting on the car and getting ready to pull out.
"Yeah, Rose what's up?"
"You need to get to the hospital right now!"
I sat up alert. "Why, what's wrong?"
"It's Eric. He was involved in an accident. He's gonna be ok but you should get here now"
"Ok, we're coming", I hung up the phone and turned to Kim.
"We have to go to the hospital. Eric's been in an accident. He'll be ok but he wants us there".
"Oh my god, ok", she said. And we made our way to the hospital.

At the Hospital
We walked in and up to the front desk. "Excuse me, can you tell me what room Eric Wright is in?"
The nurse looked up at me and said, "Are you related to the patient?"
"I'm his girlfriend"
"That's not what I asked"
"Look bitch-"
Kim stopped me and said, "Look, that's her boyfriend, can you please help us out? He's been in an accident and we just want see if he's ok?".
The nurse rolled her eyes and began typing on her computer. "He's in room 310".
We nodded and walked away. "Bitch", I said loudly so she could hear me.
Kim laughed and we made our way to Eric's room.
Once we got there, we saw that all the boys were there and Eric was sitting up in his bed with and bandage wrapped around his arm and a small little bandage on the corner of his forehead.
"Hey", I said softly
"Hey, princess", he said
I said hey to the guys and walked over to Eric and gave him a light squeeze.
"Are you in pain?"
"Just really sore"
I gently rubbed his cheek softly. My poor baby. I'm so glad he's ok. The doctor came in and told us that Eric was gonna be fine but he would be sore for a week or two and told Eric to take it easy.
Eric nodded and was handed discharge papers. But before we could get out, two police officers came into the room.
"I'm sorry to disturb you Mr.Wright, but we have some important information to share with you about your accident", the white one said
"What is it?"
"Well we went back to the scene and examine your car and it looks like that your accident wasn't really an accident".
"What the fuck is that suppose to me? You think I'm lying or something?"
"No, no it's not that. What we mean is, what we got from the forensic team on the scene, it looks like whoever hit you did it deliberately and ran from the scene so we're classifying this as a hit-and-run".
"What?!", we both said
"Yeah it's true. Do you know anyone that would want to do harm to you?"
Eric at first shook his head, but then I thought of someone.
"Yeah my ex boyfriend, Jose. We had a bad relationship and the breakup was even worse and he was abusive towards me".
The police officers looked at each other and one of them got a pad and a pen out and wrote down what I said. "Do you know where we could find him?"
"Yeah, the apartment we lived in last before I ran away from him. I don't know if he's still there but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check there".
I gave them the address and they put away there notepads and pens. "We'll find him Ms.Santiago. If he bothers you or makes contacts with you again at any time, please call us", Officer Carter said giving me his card.
Eric and I nodded our heads and the officers shook our hands and walked out.
I turned back to Eric and held his hand. "I'm gonna kill him if I see him. He better hope the police find him before I do".
I stroked his cheek softly and gave him a kiss. I thought it was adorable that he was so protective over me and I loved him for it.
"I don't want you to get hurt trying to protect me. But thank you for protecting me and loving me".
"You don't have to thank me, baby. It's my job"

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