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Not  Paranormal romance(PR)....When the characters use words like- mate, yummy, growl, claim, mark etc remember they don't mean it and do it literally;D
So this is not the usual sweet story, it is a crazy one with a crazy twist that will make you think if it's NOT cliche after allXD
Read on if you are ready for it:)

[PMPB Trailer is now available on Youtube]


ARCHER ROUNDED THE locker when he heard someone entering. He stopped dead tracks to see who it was. Ellie.

The 'crazy' word his mind screams whenever she's in his sight screams 'His'

He stalked closer while she had her back on him, she didn't even seem to hear him.

He pressed her up against the locker, surrounding her petite frame fully with his big ones. He pressed his face against the side of her neck. She let out a little gasp which he finds it cute as hell.

"You smell so good" his voice rumbled. He loved her feminine scent. Always driving him fu*king nuts. His blood pumped fast in his vains due to hours of sparring and adrenaline rushing through his body.

Ellie's presence and pressing up against her seems to worsen it. He knew he should probably back up but he don't want to. Being with her makes him feel like he's home.

He remembers that he have to be away from her during his fight. He can't help but see red at the thought of all those mutts out there who'll be eyeing his girl. He knows exactly what they'll be thinking. He can't prevent that as his girl look beautiful as hell. But, he needs to make sure that that's as far as they go.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt her wiggling beneath him. He realized that she was trying to push him back! Not happening but it amuses him that she thinks she could.

"Archer, wait"

"Remember what I said the last time we're in here?"

"Ye-yes" she paused," Does it involve any pain?"

"Hmm...a little" he teased, amused by the way she thinks. But, who is he to judge when he knows that he's not right up in the head? He's the one who fu*king messed up.

He chuckles as her body jerks, his mouth drifted up her ear, growling at the thought of what he'd do, he decided to tease her a bit more, "And you can't escape"


A/n: Hey guys! I know this is the third time I updated the prologue. Yes, this is part of the book but you won't find it exactly this way. You'll find this part in Ellie's POV.

Hope it's worth all the trouble!

For new readers, if you are impatient like me, you may find the first few chapters slow but if you are interested, keep reading^^ you will get all your answers which you are going ask endlessly after ch-40. Everything will make sense then.

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