Help Me

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(Tweek's POV)

I weakly picked up my phone, it was dead. I knew I couldn't make it to my house with so little stretch but I Craig's house was close to Stark's Pond. I decided to limp to his house, hoping he was there. I was in so much pain, my vision was blurry, I could feel blood running down my arm. I finally made it to Craig's house and pounded on the door. Ruby answered it, with a smile.
"Oh, hey Tweek! Whoa, are you okay? What happened?!"
I tried to answer her but I couldn't bring myself to speak.
"C-CRAIG!" Ruby yelled.
Craig came running down the stairs.
"Ruby, what's wrong?"
She pointed at me.
"He's hurt really badly, we have to help him!"
Craig hesitated but then quickly pulled me into his house.

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