Hanging Out

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(Tweek's POV)

Craig shooed his sister away to her room and let me inside his house.
"You want some mac and cheese?"
"No thanks, I'm not hungry."
"Okay. Do you want to see my room?"
I nodded and followed him to his room. His room had a bunch of Red Racer stuff. I then spotted an adorable guinea pig! I ran over to it.
"GAH, HE'S SO CUTE!" I was twitching more than usual because that's what happens when I get excited or anxious. Craig walked over and stood next to me. When I looked at him, he was smiling! Smiling. I couldn't believe it.
"You like Stripes?"
"You want to hold him?"
"Can I?"
"Of course."
He pulled Stripes out of the cage and handed him to me. I petted the little rodent's head, Stripes squeaked happily.
"Look, he likes you."
I smiled and continue to pet him. Ruby was walking by but stopped in Craig's open doorway.
"No way! You're letting him hold Stripes? I can't even feed him! You must really love him!"
Then she ran away before we could respond. We both just kind of stood there for the next few minutes.
"Sorry about her."
"It's alright. I understand."
"You have siblings?"
"You don't like ruby?"
"I like her, she's just embarrassing sometimes, as you saw a moment ago."
I set Stripes back in his cage.
"What time is it?" asked Craig. I looked at my phone to check the time.
"About three."
Craig's eyes widened.
I blinked in surprise. It doesn't seem like Craig yells a lot.
"Y-yeah, is everything alright?"
Craig grabbed my hand and started running downstairs, pulling me with him. When we got to the living room, the TV was already turned on. He jumped on the couch and pulled me onto the couch with him. Wow, Craig really likes Red Racer.

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