The Morning

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Beep beep beep!
Beep beep beep!
The groggy raven haired teen rolled over and hit the snooze button on his alarm. He had been up all night; helping his best friend, Clyde, with his relationship problems. Clyde and Bebe had been on again off again since elementary school. Craig didn't understand why they didn't just brake up already, but you'll hear more about that later. Craig stretched, yawned, and plopped out of bed. He didn't feel like brushing his hair so he just threw on his blue hat. He had slept in his clothes out of pure tiredness. He fed his guinea pig, Stripes, and headed down stairs for breakfast. His mom was cooking, his sister was at the table, texting and eating. Craig's father was nowhere to be found. Craig, rubbing tired eyes, grabbed a pack of pop tarts.
"Honey, wouldn't you like some eggs instead of pop tarts?" asked Mrs. Tucker. "No, I'm not that hungry." replied Craig, in his usual monotone voice. "Oh, alright." She said with a small smile. "I should leave, I don't want to be late." Craig walked to the front door, slipped his shoes on, he put on his coat and back pack. The raven said goodbye to his family and walked out the door. It was no surprise that Clyde was waiting for him at the end of his drive way. 'I just hope I have a good day...' Craig thought to himself.

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