Inviting Tweek Over

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(Craig's POV)

"Shhh, I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Which means neither can you."
"I won't, but, I KNEW YOU LIKE HIM!"
"No, I don't."
"So you love him."
"Yeah, I totally love him, I'm going to ask him out, and we're going to be highschool sweethearts. We'll get married after we graduate and we'll adopt seven children all from different countries and they'll all be named after restaurants. And we'll live in Canada. Is that what you want?"
"Sounds good to me."
"It's not happening."
"At least ask him to come over and hang out."
"No, I'm babysitting you, I don't think I can have anyone over."
"I won't tell anyone."
My sister held out her pinky. We pinky promised.
"Now you HAVE TO invite him over!"
"Fine. I'll text him."
I picked up my phone and send Tweek a message.
Craig: Do you wanna come over to my house and hang out?
Tweek: Sure, what time do you want me to come over?
Craig: Whenever is fine.
I texted him my address and waited for him to come over. Ruby and I walked downstairs and I made us macaroni and cheese for lunch. After a little bit there was a knock on the door. Ruby beat me to the door and flung it open.
"GAH! Oh, hey Ruby."
I walked to the door, and flipped my little sister off.
"Don't call him that."

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