The Walk

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"HEY, CRAIG!" Clyde yelled at his friend, while waving. Craig sighed and waved back at the brunette as he shuffled to the end of the driveway.
"Good morning."
They proceeded to talk, well Clyde did most of the talking, all of the way to school. When they got to South Park High they were joined by their other best friend, Token, who drives to school.
"Damn, I'm right here, Clyde."
"Hi, Craig.... Craig?"
Craig was spaced out, starring at a boy with messy, blond hair, and forest green eyes. His dark green, long sleeved shirt had a few buttons that were unbuttoned.
"What are you looking at?"
"That kid."
"Oh yeah, he's new."
"Doesn't he look familiar?"
"Yeah, actually he does."

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