"Who are you?" Niall asked.

"Patricia." She answered.

Bea's POV

"Im hungry." I mumbled.

"Me too. I wonder where Finn is." Cici said.

"Why don't we just scream and bang on the door till someone lets us out?" I suggested.

"Their is one problem with that, Bea. Your tied to that chair." Cici almost smiled at my small dumb moment.

"Fine then, you can go and bang on the door." I mumbled.

"I would but I'm not that desperate...." Cici said.

I just huffed and slid lower in the chair. Who knows how long we will be in here!

Harry's POV

"So what your saying is, in order for you to save Bea, you have to get off this Island and the only way to do that is to get a witch to undo this spell or have someone to take your place?" Louis asked.

"That is exactly what I'm saying." Patricia answered.

"How do we know we can trust you to free Bea if one of us takes your place?" I asked.

"Because you said Finnick has her, did you not?" We nodded.

"Him and Tisdale trapped me on this Island so I will happily destroy him." She smiled.

"I'll take her place." Zayn volunteered.

(A/N: I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! Sorry, I couldn't resist. Carry on.)

"Are you sure?" Liam asked.

"Yep. Just go save Bea. When you save her, you can come back for me and she can release me." He said.

"Ok. What has to happen is you Zayn, you have to stand on the vine behind me and then one of you has to cut through the vine right behind him. The vine, once it's cut, will wrap around the closets creature." She explained.

Zayn did what he was told and stood on the vine a foot behind Patricia. Louis found a sharp rock and I began to saw through the thick vine.

As soon as the vine was cut, it wrapped around Zayn's ankle. Patricia cheered from finally being free.

"We'll be back soon, lad." I told him and patted his shoulder. He just nodded and lowered himself on a rock.

"Don't worry about me, just go save Bea." He said, shooing us toward the boat.

We all piled into the boat and Louis started it up and sped it to shore.

"How long have you been on that Island?" Liam asked her.

"A little over 100 years." She replied.

"How did you stay alive?" Louis asked from his place at the wheel.

"The vine kept me alive somehow." She shrugged.

The rest of the trip was silent.

As soon as we had reached land, we returned the boat and sped off to find Bea.

"Where is Finn holding Bea?" Louis asked.

"I know, follow me." Patricia said.

She led us to a small castle with tons of guards. They looked to be mutants of several different animals.

"Here is the deal, I will tell Bea that I'm here and then I will destroy all spells put on this castle. This will cause chaos and while everyone is freaking out, you go save your girlfriend. Got it?" She planned and we nodded.

One direction's "little" secret {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now