Chapter Twenty (Meeting The Kruise)

Start from the beginning

                      You got that right Lefty! I am out! Peace!


                       "Are you okay Aaron? You look sick." Cedric held me up, supporting me. I was frustrated.

                       "Sorry Cedric... I can't do this... I'm gonna go... I can't stay here any longer... I'm sorry... I shouldn't be here... It's wrong..." I was supposed to be running away, and went back hugging Dean. I couldn't stay here, the more I was here with Cedric. The more my heart would say he's the one.

                        I'd turned around, ready to make my escape.

                        "Cedric? Is that you?" The door creaked open. Damn, so close.

                        "Hey mother." Cedric said seriously, it sounded like he was calling for his master.

                        "Cedric. Dinner is ready... Who's that?" Her quesiton directly hit at me. Damn.

                        "Hey Mrs. Kruise. I am Cedric's friend. Aaron Thomas." I turned back, facing the lady in front of me. She looked at me curiously, she looked liked she was trying to remember something. Then, a invisible bulb lighted up above her when her face showed a sudden relief and a big smile.

                        "Oh, Aaron. How nice to meet you. Cedric talked about you all the time. Come in." She held the door wide apart, it looked liked the door of no return. I put on my best smile and walked in, I was going to regret this.

                         The house was not bad, well it seemed normal and warm. At least his mother didn't paint her living room rainbow, instead she painted in a warm bright yellow. Oh, those antique chairs looked expensive so as the glass table. What the heck? 42 inches LCD television and a set of HiFi. Blueray?! Damn, I thought he's poor when I saw the house from outside. Well, like they said, don't judge a book by its cover.

                         "Joshua! Come out, Cedric's friend is here." Mrs. Kruise called, her voice was very loud and well, annoying. She sounded liked the woman from the show 'The Nanny'. I bet when she laughed, it would be epic. Fuck that, she looked just like the woman. With her bushy curly black hair, white pearly teeth behind of the massive mouth of hers, you couldn't miss it. She dressed in a red and black blouse with a short black skirt. 

                          "Friend?" Suddenly, a big figure came out from the door near the staircase. The man looked in his early 40s. His messy hair was brown in color, behind those glasses, his grey eyes were darting between his wife and his son, finally landed at me. He's in his bath robe, revealing his hairy chest. His hands were occupied with documents.

                           "Ops, sorry." He apologized and went back inside. After a few minutes, he came out fully dressed. He wore a worn-out basketball jersey and a pair of short pants. He's buff and tall. No wonder Cedric was built, but not buff liked his dad. Thank god...

                            "Mr. Kruise." I went towards me, taking his hands and shaking it. He replied me with a warm smile. "The name, Aaron Thomas." After I said my name, the handshake stopped. He was deep in thought for a moment, then when it clicked, he quickly shoved back his hand. His face went strict and angry.

                            "So you are the Thomas's boy?" He asked in a serious tone, which scared me to death. With the built body like him, and a deep voice. You didn't want to get him angry.

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