Preference #11 You Cant Sleep

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You Can't Sleep

Joe: if you can't sleep, it's either because you're too excited about your favorite tv show or you have had too long a day at work. Joe is always there to listen to you rant or rave about whichever, and when you're done he hums the guitar chords to slow songs until you've relaxed. Then he'll wrap you up in his arms while you fall asleep.

Andy: When you can't sleep, andy will first discover why and then solve whatever the problem is. Too hot? He turns on the AC. Too cold? He'll wrap you in a bunch of blankets? Uncomfortable? He lets you lay on top of him. Sore muscles? He will give you a massage. Bad dream? He'll hold you tight and calm you down. Want to talk? He'll stay awake with you until you're done. He never lets you go to bed unhappy.

Patrick: If you can't sleep, Patrick does what never fails: he sings. He will tell you to pick a song and he will sing it over and over, as many times as it takes, until you fall asleep in his arms. If it doesn't work, he'll wrap you up in blankets in the music room and sing and play piano until you fall asleep there, and then he'll carry you to bed and hold you all night long.

Pete: Pete wears you out. If you're unable to sleep, he changes it quickly. He'll play board games, video games, wrestle, tickle, and mess with you until you can't keep your eyes open anymore. Finally, as you're dozing with your head on his shoulder and fighting sleep, he will say "shhh" and then you're out like a light.

Okay everyone, I know it's been awhile. So thing is, I can't figure out if there's any pending imagine requests. So, if you requested one and I didn't make it, please re-request it. Thank you!

Love you all!


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