Chapter 10

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This chapter was based of the song "I'm Coming Over" by Chris Young listen to it if you want but after the chapter

"Derek! What the hell! Are you okay!?" Stiles screamed racing over to him. "Derek! Answer me!" Stiles screamed in his ear. He wouldn't budge. Tears came streaming down his face. "Derek! Derek!" Still no answer. Stiles stood him up and sat him on the couch practically sucking all energy of him left. He knelt down in front of Derek intertwining their fingers. "Derek....please wake up." Stiles whispered with his head in Derek's lap. Stiles sat there quietly sobbing and was awaken by the very sudden movement of the chest above him. Stiles looked up to see Derek's eyes fluttering open. "DEREK." Stiles screamed.
"Stiles?" He responded weak.
"What the hell happened !? Why are you covered in blood !? Derek !? Why weren't you responding !? Why didn't you stay with me !? Why was Isaac here !? What happ-"
"Stiles! Calm down." Derek growled.
"No I will not calm down! Derek I thought you were fucking dead!" Both standing up screaming, while Stiles was still sobbing. His words were uneven.
"Stiles calm down ! I'm obviously fine."

"You are not fine Derek! What the hell happened ? Derek tell me !"

"Stiles....STOP, after isa-"

"Derek! I thought you were fucking dead!"

"This is what I'm trying to tell you." Stiles could barely hear him over his sobbing. Derek ran up to Stiles and pulled him into a hug. As soon as he did Stiles pushed him off. That's when Derek knew something else was up. "Stiles, babe, what's wrong?"

"Don't call me that anymore ! Just stop ! If you are even listening to what I'm saying !"

"Stiles what do you mean ?"

"You never listen to what I have to say! Never Derek ! You never listen ! You say you do but you don't !" Stiles screamed at Derek. Derek was speechless. " Yeah Derek. That's what I thought. Whenever I have something to say to the pack, you don't listen. Whenever I suggest something to the pack you push it off. It's like my opinion doesn't matter to you!"

"Stiles, of course your opinion matters."

"Not to you! Derek, you never ask what I think. You almost died! I thought you were fucking dead! You can't do that to me! Derek, you can't! What am I supposed to do when you really are dead ? Huh! Everything has to be revolved around you! It's always your way!" Stiles was really upset and couldn't take it anymore. "Derek, we are over." You could hear Derek's heart break about a million miles away. He loved Stiles, he didn't mean to do any of this. "Goodbye Derek."
NO Derek screamed in his head. "See you around Stiles." Derek couldn't think straight and was upset so that's all he said. Stiles turned around and walked to the door. He opened it and turned around to see Derek looking down. Stiles turned back around and walked to his jeep. Thinking Derek would come out and stop him. He didn't so he hoped in his jeep and drove off. Derek was so heart broken he didn't move from his spot.


Stiles was upset so he raced home and pulled into his drive way. He stormed into the house crying and ran straight to his dad hugging him and crying in his arms. John didn't ask what was wrong he just let his son take his time in his arms. When he was done crying he ran to his room not allowing any time for his father to ask. Stiles sat on his bed and fell asleep. He was woken up from a buzz on his phone.

From Sourwolfie:

I'm coming over

Stiles didn't want him too. He just wanted to be alone. But he was interrupted from his thoughts by Derek coming through the window.
"Stiles I know your mad, I'm sorry but plea-"

"Derek get out." Those two words 'get out' bounce around in Derek's head but he doesn't move. Instead his hugs Stiles but was suddenly thrown to the floor by Stiles. "I said we are done. Derek, leave. Do you really want me to grab my father? The sheriff? I don't think so. Please Der, leave. I just need some space right now." A tear fell from Stiles' eye. Derek left two seconds after wiping the year of Stiles' fragile face. Derek drove home while Stiles laid in bed. Stiles felt bad and started to miss Derek's presence instantly.


The next morning Derek was no where to be found and Stiles' eyes were red and puffy. Stiles got ready for school quick and headed to Scotts telling him everything that happened and Scott told Stiles that Isaac had came to talk to him and that he couldn't find Derek. They drove to school and Stiles went the whole day, again, wondering where Derek was. Stiles got home and did his homework. His dad wasn't home yet. Once again Derek crawled through the window silently. Stiles turned around and jumped at him. "Derek I already told you..." Stiles whispered. Derek grabbed ahold of Stiles and wrapped him in his arms. "Der."
"Stiles, shut up." He dragged Stiles and pulled him on the bed. Derek got on top of him and tore off his shirt. Derek took off his own because Stiles was too out of it to do it himself. In an hour they were both laying next to each other in nothing but the sheets. Stiles sat up and pulled away from Derek.
"Derek please get out. I told you Der, we are over. Why did you come here and make everything confusing. Derek leave!"

"Stiles, it doesn't have to be confusing,"

"But Derek! It is! You are selfish and conceded, why would I like you !?"

"Okay Stiles, I lov-"

"DEREK. OUT. NOW." Derek nodded and left.
It was now one week without them seeing each other. Or texting each other. Stiles gave in, he texted Derek at the end of the school day. He knew he wouldn't answer.

To Sourwolfie:

Im sorry

To Sourwolfie:

I miss you

To Sourwolfie:

Please Der

To Sourwolfie:

I'm at home

To Sourwolfie:

My dad isn't here

Derek was alone wondering the woods. Stiles kept showing up on his phone but he didn't open it.

Two days went by with no response. Finally Derek caved in too.

From Sourwolfie:

You said that we are done, and I know it's late but you already know

From Sourwolfie:

I'm on my way
I'm coming over

Stiles looked down to his phone and frowned not knowing what to do. He wanted Derek but they were done. He was already with someone who sparked an interest of the two days Derek didn't answer Stiles so he just ignored it.

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