"Lady Crissann, my apologies, I didn't see you there." Ithureil spoke, as he regained his composure.

"Ithureil, next time we should both watch where we are going, then accidents like this wouldn't fucking happen would they. I said severely pissed Im now late.

He gave a low chuckle, the muscles in his shirt becoming more prominent as he vibrated. "Yes that would be most pleasant to avoid accidents like this." He said.

I smiled as I calmed down a little Ithureil and I were long time friends." Well I have a meeting to get too, and I am now late soo see you later."I said giving him a small wave.

He scoffed " what no help it'll take forever to clean up." He said gestering to the now scattered pieces of metal and other materials

I looked back as I ran towards the staircase "Ithureil pal im not the leader for nothing, I get what I want and right now that is not to help you, good luck." I replied as I waved. What, was that wrong...I was in a rush and plus I said "good luck" and waved soo yeah....I don't have to fucking impress you.


When I finally reached the conference room everyone was already there, the chandelier casting a low glow throughout the room. 

"Lady Crisann , I see punctuality wasn't on your morning to-do list"  Arix spoke , his eyes glinting. Ha, the irritating bastard himself.

"Arix, I see being  irritating bastard was on your list...as it is everyday." I replied in the same tone.

"Lady Crisann, that is no why to speak to an elder." Arianna spoke up.

"Well Elder Arianna in regards to your souls other half, I think the old fart should keep his opinions to himself before he gets his teeth kicked in." I spat back.

"Is Crisann getting mad." He taunted. Ugh I would give anything for a few minutes in the arena with him. Alas, he is an elder, killing him Is like killing your mother. oops I forgot.... Ive already done that.

I grabbed a dagger I kept hidden in my shoe and threw it at his head purposely missing  by mere centimeters  "your lucky your an elder or you would have been curbstomped a while ago!" I yelled, loving how he took a giant gulp and turned his eyes away from me.

"Lady Crisann, why we don't doubt your combat skills, you shouldn't make threats like that." Arianna replied while she while she send a a thoughtful look to Arix. 

Idiotic lovesick fools, I swear finding your souls other half is the worst thing to happen to fallen angel.

"Look can we just explain why we bought Lady Crisann here." One of the other elders said, I think his name was ....hell I didn't know but I was starting to like him.

"Well get the fuck on with it!" I yelled after silence ensued. I waited until Arix sighed and began speaking.

"Your going to school." Yep he just told me those dreadful words, no emotion just that.

"No the hell im not!"I screamed, school...with those pathetic litttle pop prep.....people...gahh!

"Look Crissann, there have been dozens of attacks from the angels within the past month." He replied slamming his fists down onto the long obsidian table.

"And who took care of them single handedly,uhh...hmm I think her name was Crisannthamum Evangelin Kali!"I retorted while twisting the pendant on my necklace around my hand.

" and let's not forget who they were after, oh.. I think her name was also Crisannthamum Evangeline Kali, and interesting I think she's also starting school in a few hours." he said in a low tone. 

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