Clubbing In Hell (13)

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<*<~ |Chapter Thirteen|~>*>



"Listen to me

Because Ill only tell you once

Lifes a visionary masquerade

With a very deceiving bunch."

~By Ken Le'Viche

{Crisann's POV}

He wiped his eyes and blinked a few times. "Come again?" He said putting his shirt down hastily. Before he got it all the way down though I noticed black lines on his stomach.

When did he get a tattoo?

"I said," stepping into his room and checking out his bed. Oh yeah two people could definitely do some amazing things in that gigantic bed. Wait... focus... as I was saying. "Me and you are going out tonight."

"And what brought this on? How did you even get up here... its like twenty feet high!"

"You said we needed to hang out more and as I recall going clubbing is a great way to hang out." I replied looking at his confused face. "As to the window don't worry about it."

"Its like almost 2am and I've had like less than one hour of sleep. You look like you really wanna go though, so come on let's negotiate." He said with a mischievous smile. "hmm its 2am, im sleepy and you wanna go out..."

"Yeah yeah I agree now get your ass dressed!!" I responded in a hurry.

"So you already agree without knowing my demands?"he asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah yeah whatever, now get dressed." I rushed as I pushed him forward.

"Alright, sheesh woman, someones in a hurry." He said taking his shirt off. I tried not to look... ,I really did, but all the willpower in the world couldn't stop my eyes from scanning over him. His pale skin and taut muscles had my fingers tingling to run them all over him. When he went to take his pants off I nearly moaned out loud. Why did I always lose all my self control when I was around him. I needed to get a grip on reality and fast, I don't have time for love. Whoa... did I say love, hell, I really hated that word.

I quickly covered my eyes, blocking my vision. Damn, im going to need some serious restraint to avoid jumping him right now. A few minutes later I felt his warm breath on my neck. "You done drooling?" He said softly. I jumped, half in surprise, half in bliss of having his breath hit my skin. I felt the warmth from his naked chest and took a step forward, denying my body of the comfort of having him near.

"I wasn't drooling." I said adamantly. I wiped my hand over my mouth to find that... yeah I did drool a little. So what, it happens.

"Sure." He rolled his eyes. "So do you want to ride me?"

Like a horse. "Nah you can drive me." Drive me all the way back to my bedroom. Get your thoughts together Crisann... his shirt still off? Yep, still horny. Damn.

"So you takin' the window or what?" He joked as he finished getting dressed. "You know since you agreed without knowing what I was asking for... you have no idea what I want." He said putting a necklace made of brown and black hair on under his shirt. That necklace looked familiar... eerily familiar. I swear I've seen it before.

"You know... keep mentioning the agreement and I just might take the window that leads back home."

"Good point." He finished getting ready and headed down the stairs. I made my way towards the steps and grabbed the back of his shirt stopping him from moving further.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2012 ⏰

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