New Beginnings?(23)

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"Let's go Princess." I said with a soft voice getting her out the car. I'm dropping her off with her father for their weekend together. It's been two months since I broke things off with August and we both moved on rather fast. His girlfriend name is Paris and I actually like her, she's pretty nice and is good to our daughter so I have no problem with her. She is beautiful as well but that doesn't mean I'm jealous cause I got my own. I'm also seeing someone and his name is Jayden. He is so sexy especially with his shirt off. I actually meet him at work since he's a new doctor and all. He was delivering a baby and I was one of the people to help him deliver it. Sounds like a pretty weird way to meet but we did and I'm glad we did. I ring the doorbell and August opened it with Paris right beside him. I smiled at the two of them. "Hey." I said. "Hey Raelle, I like your hair." "Thanks." "What did you use to keep the curls in?" "Nothing really it's just the way I curled it." She nodded. "You going to have to show me how you did that." I nodded back. "If your still here when I'm back then I can." "Alright." I looked at August who had this smirk on his face, for what reason I don't know and I don't care. "You need something Augustine?" He sucked his teeth while I laughed. "You know I still hate when you call me that." I shrugged. "Aww, sounds like a personal problem Augustus. Anyway if I'm not here by 8pm then Jayden will come and pick her up." He nodded as I bent down to Monè's level. "Bye baby. Mommy loves you." "I love you too." I hugged her and she whispered something in my ear but I couldn't make out what she had said. I knew it was something about August cause she said daddy which meant I most likely didn't want to hear it anyway. I got up and said bye to them before leaving and going to work. I got to the hospital and went straight to the lounge since I got 20 minutes till my shift. I poured myself some tea and began to drink it. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and then I smelt my favorite cologne. I smiled to myself and turned around being face to face with Jayden. "Hello beautiful." I blushed a little. "Hello handsome." He kissed my lips for sometime until we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away and turned to see our boss. "It's nice to see the new employee is getting to know his coworkers. Just because you've been here for a month and a half doesn't mean you can do what you want Dr. Taylor, back to work and you get ready Dr. Guzman." She walked out and me and Jayden laughed a little. "She's crazy." Jayden said as I began to put my hair up. "Tell me about it." I said getting any loose strains with his help. We both walked out together and to the areas we were needed getting work done. I actually haven't seen none of my girls in these past two months which is like the longest I have gone without seeing them. "Dr. Guzman can you do checkups today other than delivery." I sighed but nodded at my boss and began walking to the other side of the hospital away from maternity ward. I began with the first patient on the list which was a woman who was 7 months. It was her first child and with her coming close to her due date she had many questions and I understood since I was in that place at one point in time. After her and a few other women I had to deliver some ultrasounds. I went to the first room looking at my clipboard. It was a 25 year old women who was four and a half months pregnant. She was finding out the gender today so I'm glad I'm helping. "Hello my name is Dr. Guzman and I see today we are having an ultrasound so can you lay back for me and pull up your shirt?" I said in a polite manner. "Well hello to you to Rae." I looked up and was shocked. I didn't even know gabby was pregnant. "Well dang congratulations to you and Trey." She smiled. "Thanks." "Where is he?" I asked curious to seeing he wasn't here. "Oh he's in the bathroom." I nodded. "Do you want me to wait for him to start?" She shook her head. "No we can start just don't say the gender just until he comes in." I nodded as she laid back and pulled up her shirt. I put the gel on her before looking for the baby's genitals. Trey walked in and sat, we shared our hellos so that I could continue. "What do you guys want a boy or a girl?" I asked looking at them. "I want girl and she wants a boy but honestly I don't care as long as it's healthy." Trey said and I nodded smiling. "Well you guys are actually having a..." "Dr. Guzman we need you." A nurse said busting into the door. "I'm currently doing something as you see." She shook her head. "I'm sorry you guys but it's an emergency c-section from one of your patients and they only want you." I sighed but nodded. "Um can you have Dr. Taylor hold things down until I get there in 10 minutes?" She nodded and rushed out the room. "Look who's busy." Gabby said causing me to laugh. "As I was saying before you guys are having a boy," gabby and Trey both smiled looking at each other. "Once again congratulations. I wish I could stay and talk but as you know I can't. I'll have a nurse in here for you guys shortly to wrap things up." They nodded. "Alright Rae and you better start answering your phone." I laughed. "I'll try." I ran all the way back to maternity ward to see the woman that I just seen 3 hours ago in extreme pain. She was only seven months pregnant so her baby is going to be premature and if I remember right he is only 5 pounds 6 ounces so he's going to be a little small. Hopefully all goes well while I deliver this baby. It was things like this that causes me not to have another baby because her is always risk.

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