Stomach Flu?/ Breakups

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I flushed the toilet for the 6th time after throwing up again. Sighing, I brushed my teeth as well. I walked back into my bedroom laying back on the bed because of my tiredness. We have been back home for 4 weeks now. That day after it rained heavy in DR, I went to see my mother and grandmothers grave for the first time since I buried them. The feeling was so overwhelming that I couldn't stand being there no more so everyone decided to leave. The next time I will see my family will be around thanksgiving cause they said they would come. August had a few shows when we got back so he's out doing that but he said he would take care of me when I get back whenever that is. I heard my front door open but didn't know who it was. It had to be someone I known because everything was locked. No later after the front door opened, my door opened. "Hey Love Child." Gabby said walking in with a car seat then Olivia with another when. I accepted her apology before we left and then she had the twins on July 21st, and it was a good thing we had the baby shower before that. I slightly smiled while they sat the babies across the room. "Hey." Olivia said. "Hey guys." I said with my weak voice. "Aww my baby is sick." Gabby bounced on the bed beside me. "Stop bouncing and take Nyla and Ciara out of here so they don't get sick." I said to the both of them and they did as told. "You want something to eat?" I shook my head. "Well I'll just bring you some crackers." Olivia commented before going back out the door. "You sure you sick?" Gabby asked with this little smirk and I nodded with a frown. "Thanks." I said as Olivia sat down my crackers. "Well think about this, you started getting sick a week after you and August had sex, now just keep that in your mind." She responded but I ain't even paying that no mind. I'm on birth control so I'm good. "Well I'm bout to go to LA with my boo so let me go." Gabby said sliding off the bed before hugging us and leaving. "How you doing?" I asked Olivia. "I'm good you know, I'm done having kids though." We both laughed a little before I let her continue. "I'm starting to plan the wedding as well and trying to lose this baby weight so I can start doing dress fittings." "What date do you plan on having it?" "Tyson wants it on June 2 which was his moms birthday but I wanted it on July 31st which is my dads birthday." I nodded. "Basically y'all want a summer wedding but just don't know when your going to have it?" She nodded as we talked for a little bit. I had my eyes closed as we talked cause they burned but felt someone slide behind me in the bed. From the feel of it I already knew who it was. "Hey daddy." I said to August in a sweet but seductive way in my my raspy sounding voice. "Wassup baby." He kissed my forehead and moved in front of me. "What you doing here, I thought you had a show today in Australia?" "I did but it got cancelled cause they got some major storm." I nodded still with my eyes closed. I guess Olivia walked out cause I heard the door close. "You been in this bed all day?" I nodded. "But I got to go to work soon." "You not going to work Rae." "I have too, it's the only way I can get extra college credits." He sighed. "I'm not going to be doing much anyway, I'm only prepping woman for labor." "Ight so you want to go to the club later?" I nodded. "If I'm not tired, im down." He nodded and after that I quickly got up running to the bathroom, throwing up for the 7th time now. I used some mouth wash before going back to August. This was going to be my day of hell.
After work I worked up enough strength to go to the club. It was me, August, Travis, Olivia and some chick named Miracle along with a few others. I was just drinking some water sitting down in VIP while they was doing them. Every once and a while August came to check on me but I told him not to worry and I was fine. As I was watching them I noticed that Miracle chick was getting a little too clingy with August but I didn't have the strength to drag her up and down these streets. "Wassup young child." I looked to the side to see Drake. "Hello Aubrey." "Heard you was sick so just came to check on you." "I'm good." "That's wassup, how you and my nigga?" I giggled. "We good but you don't have to stay here and start a conversation, go and find you some girl." He nodded before going. I got up sand made my way to the bathroom. The second I walked in I heard moaning and shook my head minding my business. I used the bathroom before going to wash my hands. As I was washing my hands, I could have sworn the chick moan Augusts name. I frowned before getting paper towels and trying to listen more. "Ma you gon get me in trouble, you know I'm with Rae." August said and I nearly cried. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her." I felt tears go down my face but I also wanted to beat that ass. I was getting ready to go bust down the stall door when I felt another round of throw up come. I ran back in the stall and threw all the way up. Flushing the toilet I heard the two of them get silent. I walked back out and at the same time Miracle did and I could still see August sneakers under the stall. "Oh hey Raelle, I didn't know you was in here." I heard August lowly cursed but I heard it. "Yah look if you see August, tell him I went home." I walked out afterwards without hearing what she had to say. I walked back to the VIP and got my bag. "Where you going?" Olivia asked. "Im going home, I'm not feeling well." She nodded. "Ok well text me when you get home." I nodded walking back downstairs. "Baby, where you going?" I turned around and looked at August. "I'm going home, have fun with everyone." I turned around walking away cause I felt myself about to cry. I got in a taxi making my way home cause I couldn't take the pain.


I realize what me and miracle did was messed up and she ain't got shit on Raelle and Raelle was actually a Virgin. I only did it because I was drunk and wasn't drinking straight. The second miracle walked out and she said Rae's name I realized I was wrong and I hope she didn't hear anything cause that will only make it worse. It's been two days since that night at the club and Raelle been ignoring my text and messages like crazy. Finally after a while I invited her over and she answered so she should be here soon. I haven't talked to Miracle since then but she texted me once. My doorbell ringed and I went down there seeing Rae. She looked like she had been crying for a while but also like she didn't want to be here. I went to kiss her but she moved her face. "What's wrong ma?" I asked and she looked at me with watered eyes. "August I know what you did at the club with Miracle and I honestly won't let another man get away with disrespecting me like that. I thought it wouldn't have to ever come to this but I guess it does. I hope you are successful in your life and succeed in everything you want too. I wish you well and happiness with miracle." She said walking away crying. I walked behind her grabbing her arm trying to stop her but she pulled away continuing to go. She quickly got in her car that she kept running, driving off. I just messed up everything just then and I know I'm never going to have another chance at it.

Authors note

I know it's short and I'm sorry but next chapter will be longer and a lot is going on then.

I was also thinking about writing another book so what do y'all think?

Sorry for any mistakes there may be.

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