Kids, kids and more kids

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I can admit yesterday was not the best day of my life and it sure wasn't the worst I just wish it never happened. I am totally happy for today though. I get to see another baby and I hope she has a girl this time I know Tj would be very overprotective of his sister. He barely even lets his father touch Olivia unless he watches closely. It's hilarious all the time so I just wonder how it's going to be with a baby. "Are you excited?" I asked while I drove. "You already know I am but I can see you more excited as always." I laughed. "Shut up, no I'm not." "Yah okay."  I just continued driving while she was on the phone. I pulled into the doctors office and we both got out walking in. She signed in and we both sat down waiting for her name to be called. "Lesbian love is just beautiful." A lady said sitting beside us, I laughed. "No we are not a couple, this is like my little sister." Olivia replied back to her. "Oh I'm sorry, usually I don't see many females coming together." "It's fine." We said and then got up cause Olivia's name was called. The nurse sat us in a room and told us to wait for the doctor. He came in and took a few test then went to the ultrasound. "Alright so after I put this jell on I will tell you what you are having." Dr. Crania said. He put the jell on her stomach and moved it around showing her the different parts of the body. "Oh my god, Olivia your having a girl." I cheered. She laughed and had a few tears come out. "Well I was about to say that but how did you know?" "I'm studying to become a neonatologist so I learned how to read things on the monitor." He nodded. "Well I'll help you practice some, tell her the other news she has." I looked at the screen and frowned. "Olivia you not bout to have 3 kids in that apartment." She looked at me then the doctor. "Twins?" He looked at me, I guess to explain some. "Yah your having identical twins as it looks on the screen and they both girls as you know." She nodded and a smile appeared. I am very happy for her but I can't wait till I have one of my own. I just think that I need to find that one that will always have my back and everything and will never do anything to hurt me. The doctor talked to her a little more and then we got back in the car. "Damn twins." I said laughing. "I'm so happy I just don't know how to tell Tyson." "Alright how bout this we start buying some stuff and then you call him and ask to meet up for lunch." "Alright but your coming." I nodded and drove to a baby furniture boutique. We bought two beds and one was pink and the other was purple, a few dressers, a chair and a rug. We then went back to babies r us and bought any thing that we didn't but yesterday. Everything from the furniture store would be bought to the house in a week. We was going to put the babies in our only guest room since it was the only room left. We bought basically everything for the babies other than car seats cause she wanted to wait on those. We took all of the things to the house and placed them in the room and then got back in the car to meet Tyler at red lobster. We seen him and Ty sitting down so we walked over and sat down. "Wassup ugly." He said after he kissed Olivia. "Boy you got the nerve to be calling me ugly." I said back sitting beside Tj cause Olivia was sitting beside Tyler. "Hi auntie." I smiled. "Hi Tj, you been a good boy for your unfortunate father?" "Yes." I nodded and we ordered our drinks. "Alright what yall came to meet me for cause I was planning something with my son?" "You tell him, I told you I don't know how to." Olivia said to me. "That ain't my business, I'm not the one that got to deal with it." She pouted. "Please Rae, for me." "Alright. Well Tyler Olivia wanted you to know that she is pregnant again." He had a big smile appear on his face. "I was waiting for you to get pregnant, for a second I thought I was shooting blanks." I laughed. "Well congrats to the two of you." "Thanks. "How far along are you?" Tyler asked. "4 months." "What the hell, let me see your stomach." She showed him her stomach and then pulled her shirt back down. "How the hell you hide that shit? You know what we having?" "Yall having girls." I cheered. "You said girls, we having more than one?" She nodded. "Twins." He smiled and kissed her again. The waitress came up and gave us our drinks. "I couldn't help but hear you guys talking and I just want to say congratulations." She said then took our orders. The two of them talked while me and Tj played on my phone. I seen a notification that August followed me on Instagram, snapchat and Twitter but I was already following him so I ain't mind to go and look at anything. I think I'm getting a little attraction towards him but don't want to act on it just yet cause we meet not to long ago and plus I don't know if he feels the same.


Right about now I was playing hide and go seek with my nieces. This was all Kay Kay's idea saying she wanted to play uncle Aug. I already knew where they was hiding but for now I was sitting on the couch going threw my phone. I came across Raelle's Instagram and followed her. I scrolled threw her page at all the different pictures and videos. "She's pretty uncle August." I turned to the side and seen the three of them sitting right there. "Is that your girlfriend?" Noonie asked. "No, not yet." "Do you love her?" Chay asked and I laughed. "Nah, not yet at least." "Do you like her?" Kay asked. "Yah I like her." "Can we meet her sometime?" "Maybe tomorrow." They all smiled. "Okay now come and find us." They all ran off and I followed her on Twitter and snapchat then went to go find them.

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