Moments to Remember

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Today was the first doctors visit I was going to be at with Rae and I was excited. I cant wait to see what baby Mo looking like. Me and Rae been talking everyday since she told me she was pregnant. I make sure shes good and everything every morning and night before I go to bed. She supposed to be giving me an answer today after the doctors visit about her moving in with me and im hoping she says yes. Not only do I get to be around my child every day but it gives me a better opportunity at trying to get Raelle back. Me and miracles relationship has been rocky ever since I found out Rae was pregnant and she been holding a grudge against me since then. We barely even talk now so I know im going to have to end that real quick cause honestly I have no respect for her anymore. It was rumored that she slept with lil Wayne cause they went into a hotel together and came out at the same time and there was pictures of them going into the same room. I aint ever get the chance to call her and question her about it and I honestly don't care either. My relationship with her might as well be over so she can go and have fun with whoever she want. The only person I feel like I belong with is Raelle and thats the only person I want and im going to try my best to get her back. I drove to Rae's house since she said she didnt feel like driving and went to knock on the door. Some old dude opened the door but I think he is also the mayor so im confused to as why he is at Raes place. "August?" I nodded and he let me in. "Raelle should be down any minute, you can go sit in the living room." I nodded as the two of us walked in the living room. He just sat there staring at me but with a stank face. I wanted to say something but I aint want it to be disrespectful and he finds a way to kick me out my house or something like that. "So your the kid that cheated on my daughter and got her pregnant as well?" He asked and thats when things started to click in my head. I aint know how to anwser that question so I just nodded slowly. "Do you think that cheating is acceptable, how would you feel if a little boy cheated on Moné?" I shrugged. "Well then its going to be that boy's last day of living." He chuckled but it was that serial killer type of chuckle. "If only I could make that happen." He mumbled and got up walking away. Im not going to even lie that old man scaring the hell out of me. Raelle's sister Gloria came in the living room and gave me a stank face but sat across from me giving me that same face. "Im just going to tell you that I dont like you for what you did to my sister. If it wasn't for Moné I would have you dead right now but your lucky. You ever hurt my sister again ill make sure you dead without a single hesitation. You got that?" She asked and I was just shocked. This whole fucking family is crazy I wonder how Rae stayed innocent all her life. "What yall talking about in here? " I looked to my side and seen Rae. She was looking beautiful even though she was only wearing pants and a shirt. "Oh nothing just small talk, right august?" I slowly nodded at Gloria who had this Michael Myers grin on. "Alright have fun, bye." Gloria said hopping up and leaving. " You ready to go?" I asked Rae as I stood up and she nodded so we left. We got into my range and aint really talk much. "Let me ask you something august." She said as I drove along the highway. "Shoot." "Okay, when I first came to your house and told you I was pregnant why did you believe me without questioning me?" "Because I know you and I know you wouldn't even think about trying to trick someone into taking care of a child that isnt theres. But not only that its also because I trust you to the point where I believe what you say plus im pretty sure my dick was so good you havent had another after me so that's why." We both laughed at my statement. "Okay and even though I haven't been with anyone else doesn't mean you was all that, even though you was but im not going to talk about that anymore. How are you and Microsoft, I mean Miracle?" I glanced at her as she slightly giggled. " That was petty as fuck but im done with her just haven't had the time to call and tell her that plus she too busy with lil Wayne up in hotel rooms to anwser my calls in the first place." "Oh okay but I wasn't trying to be petty." "yah okay but have you thought about the living situation?" she nodded. " Well since you been begging every time you call me I decided ill move in with you as long as you don't try nothing." I smiled some. "You serious?" she nodded. " But ill move in after new years to give you some time." I nodded and finally got to the doctors office. I helped her get out before we both went inside. She signed in as I sat down and looked at all the pregnant women in this one room. There was like three that looked like they was about to explode right on the floor and some that had newborns. I aint going to even lie im scared to become a father because I don't want to disappointed my child but im going to make sure im there for my child no matter what. Rae came back and sat down beside me on her phone. She glanced at me and giggled. "Fascinating?" I nodded. " Youll get used to it after a few more visits." "Says the same person that basically works with pregnant women and babies." She looked at me but quickly looked away. It seemed as if something was bothering her and I'm not sure if it was me. " You good?" she looked at me and nodded. "You lying to me Raelle?" she shook her head again. "What did Gloria and my father say to you?" "Nothing important." She rolled her eyes at me. "Alright whatever, lets go." She said as we both got up walking to the back due to her name being called. We walked into a room with a bunch of digrams of pregnant women and a fetus. All these different things was starting to weird me the fuck out. I looked at Raelle and she still had this uneasy look upon her face." You sure you good?" "Yes August, im fine." "Rae-" "good morning Ms . Guzman." A lady came in with a smock on. "Good Morning, this is August." Rae said introducing us. I shook her hand before they started. "Well it looks like this little girl is going to have some good genes." Rae put on a fake smile as they continued. They was talking about a whole bunch of pregnancy stuff using doctors terminology which tuned me out cause I didnt understand. They finally got to the ultrasound part and I was happy. I wanted to see what my little girl was looking like and was very eager. As she showed all of Moné's body, I took my phone out and went to snapchat. I zoomed in so that was all you could see and took a picture adding a caption with her name on it and #myseed. I also went to instagram and twitter doing the same. Of course I got those dumbass comments from stupid ass people. Some saying is that you and miracles baby or some saying what hoe did you get pregnant which pissed me off. Rae and her doctor finally finished with whatever since I was partly distracted so we left but I was still wondering what was wrong with her.

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