Secrets and Judgment

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As August pulled into the driveway I knew way to well, I felt my heart start to race. I mean like would they remember me? What would they think of the person I have become? A whole bunch of thoughts ran through mind but those were the only ones that stood out. "If you don't bring yo scary ass out this damn car." I heard Olivia say from the opposite side of my door. I rolled my eyes at her and got out. Just me and Olivia was going in first and the rest of them would be coming in, in five minutes. As we approached the door it swung open and a bunch of people ran towards me. I barely got a glimpse of any of them before I got trampled to the ground from hugs. As I looked I seen some of my aunts, uncles, cousins and a few others. I couldn't help but smile at all of them but that quickly went away when I felt a smack on the back of my head. I quickly turned around and laughed. "Wassup little cousin." "Hey Gloria." (Gloria in the mm.) After everyone said there hellos to me and Olivia, I introduced them to the others. Alot of my aunts were surprised that I was going out with someone like August but I don't know why. We all was inside and was talking mostly about me. "So I see you went to America with this friend of yours." My aunt Serena who is Gloria's mother and my moms older sister said giving Olivia a stank face. "Yah, I dragged her along." She nodded slowly looking the other way. My family was very different from me, they are highly judgmental and are very blunt with their words. I heard the old stairs make noises so someone was coming down. I didnt bother to look so I just looked out the window. "mi hermosa nieta." An older voice said and when I looked I seen one of my three grandmother's. She was my step fathers mother but she always treated me like her own. Right behind her was my step dad who my mother married when I was 4. I got up and hugged the both of them. "I see somebody finally found my long lost daughter." Jacob said causing me to laugh. We all sat down just talking about old things. Since Olivia was tired of hearing people talk she started to play some Caribbean music but the song she started off with she knew I loved. I was just tapping my foot to the beat silently cause I didnt want to get up. Me, Gloria and Olivia used to dance to it all the time but Olivias pregnant and cant do much but Gloria took no time to get up and sway her hips to the beat. "Come on Rae, you know this is our song." She said standing in front of me trying to drag me up. I shook my head giving her a stank face causing her to pout. "So you don't want to show your man your moves. I mean yo mama didnt give u those hips for no reason." I seen a smirk appear on August face. "Yah Rae go head and get up." He said and I looked at him. "Raeeeeeeellllllllleeee please, for me." Olivia said making a puppy dog face. "You got to show him how us Caribbean girls do it dont let the nice faces fool you." My grandmother said and a little smirk appeared on my face. "Come on Rae, you don't even have to dance for me you can dance for yo man." August smirk got even wider so I just got up. Might as well tease him with something hes going to have to wait for. As Olivia started the song over me and Gloria started swaying our hips to the beginning. (Song in mm.) As the song speed up I whined my hips moving downwards in front of August. If its one thing us Caribbean girls know how to do other than cook, its that we know how to whine and twerk. That was forever something we knew how to do and I always keep in mind those things. As I got closer to the floor I started off with a slow twerk. I didnt mind to even look back cause I could see his reflection from the mirror on the opposite wall. This high grin was held on his face as his eyes were glued onto me. When I moved, his eyes moved with me. As the song went to the high tempo part, I speeded up my twerking, whining my hips along with it which is kind of hard actually if your trying to stay in rthym with the song. Once I got up half way I started moving each butt cheek separately and while moving them I caught a glimpse of his manhood and he was MIGHTY HARD. It was funny to the fact where I couldn't hold my body up anywhere and I ended up falling on the floor laughing cause he wasn't the only dude that was that hard. Tyson and Jamie was as well which was hilarious to me. "I don't know why you all googly eyed to her ass. You is not single like Jamie and her man like August, go fix that shit." Olivia yelled at Tyson. "Olivia if you don't sit yo ass down knowing good and well she got both of our panties wet. Fuck off him." Gaby said as I got up. I seen August face get a little more serious when she said that. I still haven't mentioned nothing to Olivia and Gaby about stopping what we do but I will eventually. I sat on his lap and laid my head on his shoulder. "Like your show?" "Sure did sequel tonight." He said with a smirk and I just giggled. "I got any great grandkids yet?" My grandmother asked and I shook my head. "Well young man im going to need you and my granddaughter to hurry up on the process cause im not getting any younger." She told him and he smirked. "We gon get to working on it soon." I lifted my brow shacking my head. "Yah if you think so." Gloria went to the bathroom and the second she did a little boy ran in. "Mommy where are you?" He asked and he looked like he was four or five. He walked up to me and tilted his head. "You look like my mommy who are you?" He asked. "Im Raelle who are you?" I asked using a mysterious voice earning a laugh from him. "Thats your nephew Emanuel." I frowned after my grandmother said that. "Why would you say that Rosa, they don't know yet." Gloria's mother said and my frowned depend. "Who is we? And what don't we know?" I asked as body tensed up. I heard august whisper for me to relax but at this point I couldn't. I wanted to know what they meant but now everyone was silent. Gloria came out thw bathroom and Emanuel ran straight to her. "Mommy do you know her? Grammy said that shes my aunty so is she?" Gloria frowned shaking her head. "No that's not your aunt Emanuel, go back and play with your cousin's." He nodded running off. "Ms. Rosa why would you tell him a lie like that, he's young hes going to believe you." Gloria said sittig beside me and August. "She didnt lie." Aunt Serena mumbled and I frowned along with Gloria. "Oh Dios Mio." My grandmother said before getting up. "Tell them Serena its best if they know now." She said before walking upstairs. "We know what?" We both said at the same time. Alot of family members cleared the room ad aunt Serena proceeded to talk. "Well um let me start out by saying what was done, was done for the best for the both of yalls life. But Raelle you know your parents married young. They was married at fifteen and was married for that same amount of time but alot of mistakes where done. Your mother was still living with our mom but proceeded into doing adult things. Now when I say this next part Rae don't get mad cause I know you have your mothers bad anger." I nodded letting her continue. "Well your mother ended up getting pregnant at 16 and couldn't take care of the child so she gave it away." "So why was I brung up if that has nothing to do with me?" Gloria asked as I was trying to figure things out I my head and I gasped once I did. "Are you trying to tell me that Gloria is my sister?" I asked and Serena slowly nodded. "That doesn't make since though, my birthday is only four months away from Raes mom." "You were 5 months premature and had a 15% chance of living and you made it but my sister couldn't afford a baby at the time so she gave it to me since I was older and had a stable life style. Thats one of the reasons she started drinking because she could take care of her second child but not both." I was just staring at the ground as I let all types of emotions and thoughts run through me. "I still don't understand." Gloria said. "Well look baby, remember all the times you wondered why you and Raelle was the only mixed looking children in the family. Why everyone else was so light and the two of you look like a slight black person. Well that was the reason." I could feel a whole bunch of eyes on me but when I looked up the only one that stood out was Gloria's. We really did resemble each other in more ways than one and it all finally added up. I only had one question and after I ask it im leaving cause I don't want to be here anymore. "Did my, I mean our father know about her?" I asked and Serena shook her head. "Your mother kept it a secret." I nodded and got up. I got the keys to my moms old house which they kept in the same place for years about to leave. "Ill return these in a few." I said walking out the front door not minding to say goodbye to anyone. I heard the door open again and after a while a close but I didn't bother to look back. I was going to walk to my mothers old house which was three blocks away. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist turning me around. I seen August standing in front of me but I aint say shit cause the only emotion that I could get from all that is anger. "You good?" He asked looking directly in the center of my eyes. I nodded giving a small smile trying to assure him. "Yah I was bout to go to my moms old house but now I dont want to so wassup? Where we off to next?" He didn't say nothing but he was just staring deep in my eyes. With him staring at me I just wanted to cry so I looked away from him. He was about to say something till Gloria walked up to us. "Let me steal her away for a second." She said to August taking my arm. We walked a short distance away so no one could hear us. "Look I know it's a horrible way to find this out and alot of other things but I dont want that to change our relationship. Before we used to act like sisters anyway anytime we was around each other so it dont make a difference to me. If you want to talk more then we can do so but we can arrange to talk about all of this in Atlanta so you can enjoy your vacation." I nodded and hugged her before she walked away. August was with Olivia and them so i walked over there. "So we doing anything?" I asked and August shook his head. "Nothing really today." I nodded. "Well Olivia ride with August cause me and Tyson have something to do." Her and August looked at me like I was crazy. "What exactly?" She asked. "None of your business. " I said before kissing August lips before me and Tyson left. We went to this hotel to handle some business and start things up.

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