Dont try me

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These past 2 months have been good. Me and August became close as friends and I told him nothing more but with a person like him of course he tried. We hang out about everyday so I could consider him as a real close friend. We both opened up to each other about a lot of things including his brothers dead and the dead of my mother and grandmother. We talked about a lot of things and I mean I could see us as something more than friends but not just yet. He lately has had girl after girl at his house when I get there in the morning but some of them are very disgusting. I currently live alone because Tyson persuaded Olivia to move in with him so I have no one at the moment. The last few weeks my ex boyfriend, Diggy hit me up saying he wanted us to try over again and I told him it's worth a try. I know I turned down August and all but I'm not ready to date anyone new just yet plus he still has it stuck in his mind that he can have sex with a person and then leave them alone after. He'll just stop talking to them after he gets what he wants and I don't want to be one of those girls. I'm not saying he'll do that to me but still he should still stop doing it to others and for me until he does I don't think I can pursue anything with him. Daniel(Diggy) is supposed to be coming to Atlanta later on today so we can talk more other than over the phone. I had just woken up and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I took a 15 min shower and got out, dried off and put on lotion then wrapped a towel around me. I was about to get dressed when my door bell ringed so I went to go get it. "Daniel, why you here so early?" I asked with a slight smile. "Well good morning to you." He said trying to hug me but I dodged it. "I have a towel on, I don't want it to fall." I said and he smirked. "But I do." I shook my head chuckling and let him in. "I have to get dressed, I have to go to work." "Well I'll cook you breakfast." I smiled. "Thanks." "No problem." I walked to my room and closed the door. I put on my undergarments then a black fitted V-neck shirt, dark blue jeans and my retro 13 dirty Breds. I don't feel like being extra today cause I'm cramping so I rather not. I put my hair in a low ponytail and and put on some lipgloss walking to the kitchen with Daniel. "What happened to Olivia, I didn't hear her loud ass this morning?" "She moved in with Tyson." He nodded and handed me a plate. "Thanks." He winked at me and I blushed a little. I sat down and started eating some I had to leave in about 10 mins. He came and sat down to eat as well. "Whose house you working at now?" "August." He furrowed his brow. "Alsina?" I nodded. "Mhm, okay." I frowned. "Why you do that?" "No reason, just be careful around him I heard some things." I smiled. "Looks like someone cares about me." He sucked his teeth. "Come here." He said patting his lap. "No I got to go soon." "Come." He said again so I did and sat on his lap. "Now tell daddy you love him." I laughed. "I'm not saying that." "Yes you are." I shook my head and he started tickling me. "Daniel stoooooop, my stomach hurts." I yelled laughing. "Say you love daddy." "No." "Then I won't stop." He continued going and I tried swatting his hands away but he is stronger than me so it ain't work. "Okay, I love you." I said and he stopped, smiling. "Daddy loves you too." He said picking me up off the floor and kissed my lips. At first I ain't kiss back but I did after a few seconds. "Alright so at 1pm make sure you back cause we going out." I nodded. "Alright but nothing were I got to do to much cause I was serious about my stomach hurting." He pulled me into a hug. "Aww, my baby in pain." "Alright well I got to go, my dad might come by in an hour dropping off some stuff so just put it in my room." I said grabbing my bag. "Ight." "And make sure your fully clothed when you open the door cause I know how you like to walk around shirtless." "But you like it." I blushed shaking my head, I kissed him then walked out. It's still dark outside cause it's only 7:15 am so I was basically one of the few cars out right now. I got to August house and seen a car I knew wasn't his so I knew he had a girl over. Sighing I went inside to do my job. The second I opened the door I smelt something burning so I walked to the kitchen. I see some chick trying to make something causing me to laugh. She jumped turning around facing me. "Hello." I said and she frowned at me. "Who is you?" She said giving me a stank face. "Raelle and you are?" I asked trying to be polite. "Oh the help is here, you mind making breakfast?" I frowned cause something clicked off in my mind. Usually I'm a nice and polite person but certain things make me mad. Then again this is my job so Imma try an chill. "Yah, that's what I usually do anyway but you are?" She smirked. "Diamond, August Girlfriend." I chuckled a little, you would be surprised how many chicks came and have pushed the fact that they belong to him when they know they don't to me. "You sure?" "Yah I really am, we went out just last night at 8." I laughed. "No you wasn't cause I left here at 10 so maybe after but you believe what you want. I'll do breakfast once I'm done with what I need to do." She walked upstairs so I put in my headphones and started cleaning. After 2 hours I was pretty much done so I went to cooking. August and home girl came down the second I started cooking. She sat down at the table while he sat in front of me at a stool. "Wassup Raelle." I took out a headphone. "Hi August." I put the headphone back in and continued. "What the hell was burning?" He asked. I looked back at Diamond who was too busy on her phone to realize anything. He looked at her and laughed shaking his head. "Oh I forgot, um can you make 3 more plates as well." He asked and I nodded.  5 minutes later I seen Michael, Trey and Chris walk in. They dapped up August and gave me a head nod since I had my head phones in. They sat at the table and just looked at Diamond not saying nothing. Michael sat beside August looking at me but I ain't make eye contact. I turned my back facing them going to the stove finishing the eggs, pancakes and sausages. I ain't feel like making people extra food, I was thinking not to long ago maybe I should stop being a maid and go back to modeling like I did when I first started school. I mean I make a lot of money doing both but cleaning up after grown people gets tiring sometime. "Rae." I heard someone call out so I turned around. "Yah?" "You thought about what I said?" Michael asked. The other day he called me saying he wanted to start over, a fresh and clean slate and have the two of us back together but I told him I would talk to him later. "Oh so are you like a hoe or something, stay messing with celebrities?" I looked behind August and frowned. That bum Diamond just said that and she don't know me. Honestly I can get crazy, like I even thought about killing someone one time and laughed about it that's how crazy I am she better leave me alone. "Yo ma, I suggest you watch yo mouth, Rae is crazy." August said. "I'm not crazy." All of them laughed but Diamond. "How is you not crazy? I remember one time when it was all of us in August living room and we was joking and I said some shit to you and next thing I know I got a knife to my neck, as a matter of fact that was yesterday." Chris said and we all busted out Laughing. "I don't even remember that but sorry." I said. "It's not like she gon do shit to me, bitch know better." She said being smart once again. I took a deep breath and ignored her. "Michael I'll talk to you about that later." I said cutting up some sausage. "You wanna keep your hoeing silent, we all understand." She said. I stabbed the knife into the cutting board and looked at her. "Look you dumb ass mother fucking bitch, Imma need you to at least act like you have some sense when your talking to me. I tried to be nice but apparently you don't understand when someone is trying to cut you some slack. I will fucking kill you and laugh about it afterwards. Stop messing with me." I took a deep breath and continued calming down. "Don't forget I'm cooking your food, I just might poison you." I said to her then put back in my headphones. I should have still ignored her and just continued what I was doing but instead I let her get me angry. I never let anyone take over my anger like that but I let her. I can easily cover up my emotions and stuff cause I did it all my life living with people that was addicted to alcohol like my mother and grandmother and apparently my grandfather died from using drugs so I learned a lot over the years. I took out my hand phones so I could fix my ponytail cause it was coming down and it was annoying. "Do you threatening people to make them think your bad or something cause let me tell you first hand it's not working. Did you have a bad childhood or something that you just have so much anger in you? Did your dad rape you or your mom abuse you?" She said laughing. "Or even better did neither one of your parents show you love or they left you? It has to be one of those right?" Diamond said looking at me. My breathing hitched up and I looked down at the knife deciding wether or not to take it with me to beat her ass. I  looked up to see her with a smirk and the dudes with a look of worry on they face. They better worry cause she just might lose her life. I put my hair in a high ponytail and put my phone on the counter. "So this is the game we are going to play huh?" I asked with a smile walking her way. Michael and August stood up blocking my way. "Yall can move its not like she going to do anything." "Rae go back behind that counter." Michael said and I thought for a second. There's knives and other weapons I can throw from behind there. I smirked and nodded. "It's not like she was going to do anything anyway." Diamond said out loud. I smirked. "You sure about that?" I asked hoping no one would catch on to what I was about to do. "Yo I swear, Rae you better not throw nothing at her. I ain't got time to be calling the cops cause you trying to kill a bitch." August said. He knows me very well just in a few months he knows a lot about me, surprisingly. I wanted to throw this knife I had in my had at her so bad but I didn't. I ain't got time for me to be in jail since I have a clean record and always have had one even in school. The worst you would ever see me with is having silent lunch or lunch detention. I fixed four plates and gave them to the dudes. "Thanks crazy." Chris said and I laughed. "Only for you baby." I said laughing and he did too. "Are you going to give me any food?" Diamond asked. I looked at the empty dishes, I purposely gave the dudes all of the food. "Sorry, there's no more as you can see unless your eyes don't work." I said calmly. "Well take your black ass back to cook more." I huffed. "Look sweetheart you can take your black ass over there and cook your damn self but then again you might burn more food than you did the first time. Dominicans taught me how to cook mami that's why it taste so good so I advise you once again to watch who you talking to cause they are not going to stop me from doing anything next time." I said. "Estúpido punta, vete al infierno. Espero que usted caer por un acantilado así que no tengo a matar a mí mismo." I said blowing out a deep breath. "Yo I hate when you start talking that Spanish shit, WE ARE FULLY BLACK WE DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT." August said stopping in between each word then turned to Diamond. "And yo ass is going to have to leave, you to disrespectful up in my house. I don't care what you got to say or what you want to say you going to do just get the hell out." He told her and she frowned. "So your going to choose a stank ass hoe over me?" "I advise you stop talking like that cause I most defiantly ain't stopping her anymore." Michael said. "Fuck that I don't care, August your going to choose the bitch over me?" She said going and that's when I walked up on her. "I want you to say that mess one more time." I said. "You heard me you stank ass-" before she could finish I punched her dead in her face and she fell on the floor. I went over and punched her over and over and over and over. I heard her noise crack so I might have broke it but I don't care. All she was doing was kicking, like really bitch? The Dominican can most definitely beat someone's ass and so can the black so she messing with the wrong one. I stopped after I heard my phone ringing. I got off the floor and walked over to the sink and washed off my bloody knuckles then answered my phone.

Me- hello

Daniel- where you at

Me- um it's not 1 yet, what happened

Daniel- your dad said he wants you over here right now

Me- well tell him that I said th-

"You dumb bitch you broke my noise and gave me black eyes. You ruined my face." Diamond yelled. "Well I told your ass to quit but you didn't, you got what you deserved if you have another problem let me know so I can come for you again." I said back

Daniel- yo what the hell is going on

Me- look ill tell you once I get there Daniel alright, just tell my father I'll come over to his house later on or tomorrow

Daniel- you fought someone didn't you

Me- yes I did

Daniel- how much damage you cause

I walked over to her and examined her face.

Me- I mean she's not dead but her noise is broke, I blacked her eyes and her top and bottom lip is busted. Oh and her nose ring ripped threw so that's about it.

Daniel- yo you are something else man

Me- I was trying to be nice but oh well I'll see you when I get home

Daniel- alright bye

I hung up and looked at her. "Sorry, if you need any type of plastic surgery I'll pay for it." I said to her and then went to wash the dishes. The dudes was just straight up laughing. "You are the only person I know that beats someones ass then apologizes after." August said. "Well I meant to beat her ass but I ain't mean to do that much damage." She got up off the floor and looked at me. "I'm going to sue you for everything your broke ass is worth." She said to me and I laughed. "You think I'm broke but I'm not. You can try and sue me but I bet you that the case won't go that far, my father works high up in the government so he has connections sweetie but have fun." I said shrugging. "Whatever bitch." She grabbed her stuff and then walked out. I finished washing the dishes and then cleaned off the counters then her blood off the floor. I looked at my phone and seen it was 12:30. "Well I'm bout to go so yall fun." "Where you going?" Trey asked. The dude been silent all this time now he want to say something, that's hilarious to me. "Um I'm going out." "With Diggy?" Michael asked and I turned to him. "What made you think about him?" "Cause you was talking to the nigga not to long ago." He said with a slight attitude. "Well if you need to know, yes I am." "Have fun." I grabbed my phone and then walked out, I wonder where Daniel is taking me.

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