Chapter Three

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I take Tyler's words like a silver stake to the heart. I just say "Ooh." Not knowing what else to say.

 Tyler gives me one of those yeah looks and turns back to watch the rain. I purse my lips and then say "Well I brought you some food. I don't know what you like so I just pulled some steak from the fridge and some lemonade."

 Tyler nods and says all depressed "That's nice, Thanks."

I decide to leave him alone. I unlock the door from the inside and leave. I shut the door tight and lock it again. I drop the key into my boot yet again and head for my room.

I walk down the main hallway and turn onto a side hallway that's my hallway. Complete with my bedroom, my bathroom, and my rec room. My father gave me the choice to have my own hallway. Which I gladly took up.

The only other hallway besides the main one is my Father's other than that, that's it for the upstairs. My rec room is a big game room. I'm not your average girl. I don't like pink and I don't think my hair and nails are the only thing that matters. I'm a tomboy always have been and always will be.

 I enter into my room. The walls are painted a royal blue and I have white furnishings and a king size canopy bed that's been painted white to match everything else. On one wall that faces my bed is a 56' plasma TV. A gift from my father when he married mommy dearest. It was a bribe.

My room connects to my bathroom but there's also a door from the hallway to get to it but I always keep it locked. Just like when I'm not in my room or my rec room they both stayed lock. I asked father to do this so people wouldn't snoop through my stuff. I have a set of keys for my wing.

I pick up the keys I dropped in the bowl and add a third key to the ring. Tyler's room key. After I do that, I lock myself in my room from the inside and go to take a long hot shower. It relieves tension and stress that Valentina gives me.

 I shrug out of everything and place my Ipod in its dock and blast the song Smile by Avril Lavigne. Twenty minutes later I'm drying my hair while watching are you smarter than a fifth grader.

 I have a bed even though vampires only need two hours of sleep a day. By the time my hair is dry its 8 am. I walk over to my bed and crawl inside. I shut my TV off and get my two hours of sleep.



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