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Abdullah Bin Obyye died in 9th Hijra when the Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam returned from Tabuuk mission which this hypocrites' Chief severely opposed. His sincerely faithful Muslim son submitted to him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) for leading his funeral prayer. The Holy Prophet led it. Allah disapproved it in Sura Tauba (IX : 80, 84) that he was enemy of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam.

On arrival at ZaI-Halaifa, he (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) put on pilgrims' garb, entered Makkah with great serenity and dignity and made seven circuits around Ka'aba. He (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) reached the valley of Namrah at sunrise on 9th of Zulhajjah. On one side of this valley is situated Arafaat, and on the other Muzdalfa. After the decline of the sum, the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) started from here and readied Arafaat. All the plain was crowded with people to its full capacity; and every one was busy in glorification, and sanctification of Allah and that there is no one else worth warship except Allah Suubhanahoo Wa Ta- aala. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) rode his she-camel Qaswah and delivered the famous Fare Well Sermon as his address of the Hajj-uII-Widaa'. This is the fundamental human rights 1,400 years much upto date than the 1948 Human Rights Charter of U.N.O. On the slaughtering day the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) sacrificed sixty three camels with his own hands symbolizing perhaps the 63 years of his physical life herein. Thirty seven animals were sacrificed on his behalf by Hadhrat Ali (Allah is pleased with him). This sacrifice was enacted in Minnaa'araa near Makkah. After finishing this, the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) came to the Ka-'aaba and made seven circumambulances (Tawaaf-e-Afadha) of the Ka-'aaba. Then he went towards Madina Tayyaba. Since he (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) had lead this Hajj for the first and the last times, preached for the last time, therefore it is called Hajja-tull-Widaa (the Last Hajj) and Hajja-tull Balagha (Pilgrimage of preaching).

Brief Biography of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu