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The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam attained the full maturity age of forty years. On 5th of Rabi-ull-Awwal, year 41 Meeladi, the day was Monday (According to 12th of February, 610 A.D.) the Arch Angel Hadhrat Roohul Ameen Jibrael came to the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) with the Divine commandment of declaring him the Last Prophet of Allah (S.W.T). The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) at that time was engaged in supplication to Almighty Allah in the cave of Hira. Hadhrat Roohull Ameen (The Holy Spirit Hadhrat Jibrael) said "O Muhammad ! happy News to you; you are the Messenger of Allah, and I am Jibrael. Read with the Name of Rubb". But the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) told him. that he is unlettered to read any thing. Then Angel Jibrael embraced him strongly. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) came to the house and laid down on his bed with heavy body. He then felt fever and too much cold. Therefore, he asked Hadhrat Khadeejah (R.A.) to cover him with a cloth. After he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) tranquillized, he said, "I have experienced such and such an incident". She took him to his cousin Warqa, son of Nofal to whom the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam narrated the entire story. After hearing it he said, "I am sure it is the same great Angel, Jibrael, who had descended on Hadhrat Moossa (Allah's Blessing on him). After a few days Roohull Ameen descended again, and the first Quraanic Message was revealed in First Five Verses of Sura Alaq Sura No. XCVI. These 5 verses are the initial ones which sanctify the Divine importance of reading and writing in Islaam.

"Read in the Name of your Rubb (Sustainer) Who created (every thing); created man from a blood-clot. Read; your Rubb (Sustainer) is the Most Honorable, who taught (man) by the pen, taught man that he did not know." (Al-Quraan XCVI: 1 to 5)

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