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According to the terms of the treaty of Hudybiyah, the Arab tribes were given the option to join either of the parties with which they desired to enter into treaty alliance. As a consequence Banu Bakr joined the Quraish, and Khuza-'ah joined the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam Banu Bakr, without caring a bit for the conditions of the treaty, attacked Banu Khuza-'ah. The Quraish helped them with men and arms. When the aggrieved party sought justice from their Muslim allies, the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as their leader, demanded an immediate redress for not only violating the treaty but also slaying his men in the sanctified area. Three demands were made, the acceptance of any one of them was stressed:
a. to pay blood money for the victims of Khuza-'ah;

b. to terminate their alliance with Banu Bakr' or
c. to consider the truce to have been nullified.

In the fit of their pride Quraish arrogantly said: "We will neither pay blood money nor terminate our alliance with Banu Bakr, but are prepared to declare the truce of Hydybia as null and void.

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