the best day

693 62 11

april 3rd 2020

ariana and calum had a baby girl, which meant that calum had won their little bet. calum was sure that it was going to be  girl, but ariana on the other hand thought that it was definitely a boy. 

they had decided to call their baby emily joy hood. - calum and ariana wanted to call the baby after calum's mum, so that is where joy originally came from. 

they both couldn't stop smiling that day, they had started their own little family and everything was finally turning out right for them. 

calum no longer had to worry about his father caring about him as he had his own family who loved him more than his father ever did or ever could. 

ariana and calum looked down at their baby, she had brown eyes as both of them did so it wasn't a surprise, she had ariana's tiny nose but calum's lips. 

she was perfect. 

"i can't believe it. we did it." ariana whispered as she intertwined her other hand with calum's. 

"we didn't do it, you did it. i'm so proud of you. and here was both of us thinking you didn't have it in you to give birth yourself." calum joked which caused ariana to slap him playfully on his stomach. 

ariana sighed loudly, she was so happy right in this moment, she had the best husband that she could ever ask for and now had the tiniest bundle of joy in her arms. 

ariana couldn't help but think about how amazing her life was beginning to turn out, this time a few years ago she would have laughed if someone told her she was going to be this happy. 

she truly couldn't be any more thankful for the people in her life. 

it was always going to be calum and ariana, 

ariana and calum.

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