will you marry me?

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(two years later) 

march 18th, 2018 

it had been around two years and a half since ariana and calum had started to date, and it had been the best years of their lives. 

ariana and calum weren't like other couples, they never fighted with each other and never got fed up or tired of the other. they were still as in love with each other as they always had been, maybe even more which they thought was impossible. 

michael's parents owned a fancy restaurant in town, which calum had begged them to close for the night so he could take ariana there privately. as michael's parents considered him as one of their own ever since calum's dad left, they agreed only because of what he told them he was planning to do that night. 

calum had arrived at ariana's house, patiently waiting in his car for her. after a few minutes, ariana finally came out in a pretty black dress that calum had never seen her wear before, she looked beautiful. 

ariana jumped into the car, leaning over to press her lips to calum's cheek as she grabbed one of his hands. "hi, did i dress appropriately?" ariana asked as she looked down at her dress. 

calum hadn't exactly told ariana where they were going so she didn't really know what to wear, so she just went with a simple black dress that she had bought a few days ago, "yeah, we're just going for dinner at michael's restaurant." he smiled, not telling her just yet that they were going to be the only one's there. 

"isn't that place like, really fancy and expensive?" ariana asked worriedly, she definitely wouldn't have enough money to buy her own food, and she didn't like when calum bought her everything.

"don't worry, it's on the house." he grinned which made ariana calm down knowing that calum wasn't going to waste a lot of money on her when she would happily eat fries and a burger for a lot cheaper. 

the entire way to the restaurant the pair small talked as they listened to green day on the radio (long way home af!!!!)

when they finally arrived at their destination, calum rushed out to open the car door for ariana, she smiled at him sweetly as she grabbed his hand, leading him into the restaurant. calum watched as ariana's face began to screw up in confusion, obviously wondering why nobody else was here. 

"surprise!" calum smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. he took some time to look around the place and he had to admit, michael luke and ashton did a great job of decorating the place with lots of different candles and such. 

"you did this?" she gasped as they made their way over to the table at the very middle of the room, picking up menu's to have a look at what they should eat - they were going to enjoy this night as they could eat whatever they wanted without having to think about how much it would cost at the end of the night. 

"yeah, well the guys helped me out." he shrugged as he intertwined their hands together.

after the pair ate so much that they thought they were going to be sick, they decided that they would better stop before they were sick over each other. 

"alright, i actually have to ask you something. that's the reason why i decided to bring you here tonight. i wanted to make it perfect." calum blushed as ariana stared at him with so much love. 

"i love you more than i have ever loved anyone in my entire life. you are the only one who has truly been there for me through everything. you never judge me and you understand what i go through with all my family problems because you went through the same thing with your mum. you are so strong, i wish i could be even half as strong as you are. you are so perfect and you are all i want, so much it hurts. i understand if you think we aren't ready or whatever but i personally think that this is the perfect time." calum paused for a few seconds as he got down on one knee, grabbing one of ariana's hands.

calum opened the small box, revealing the prettiest ring ariana had ever seen, "ariana grande, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked as he stared into her eyes, trying to read from her expression what she was thinking. 

ariana brought one of her hands to her mouth in shock of what was actually happening, this was like a dream. it didn't feel real. tears began to fall down her cheeks and calum hoped that they were happy tears. 

"i-i don't know what to say other than yes. i love you so much." she cried as calum slid the ring on her finger. ariana put one hand on each cheek, pulling calum closer towards her before pressing her lips on top of his. 

the kiss was full of love - it was the best kiss that they had ever shared and calum knew that there was going to be a lot more to come. 


(REMINDER: this book is only explaining the main events in their relationship, NOT everything so that's why everything seems to be going fast, look at the dates.) 

i thought i would publish this part because it is CALUM'S BIRTHDAY  


but happy birthday cal, i hope you have the best day because you deserve it, i love you so much and thank you for making me smile every single day. :-) x 

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