Chapter One - 'Monster attack in Attleboro'

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This is a crossover between 'Percy Jackson and the Olympains' and 'The 39 clues'. I know, I know, it's such a common name for crossovers but oh well.

It is set after 'The Last Olymian'. And after book 11 'Vespers Rising', which means that Amy and Dan have met the Vespers before. Percy is still 16 while Amy is 15 and Dan is 12.

Note: Living in Australia, I speak British-English so words such as 'colour' and 'honour' are spelt with a 'u', and words such as 'recognise' and 'harmonise' are spelt with an 's' instead of 'z'. 

I do not own these characters (unless I say otherwise). **Does contain some spoilers for people who have not  read the further books** Happy reading! 

[Picture of Annabeth at the side]


Camp Half-Blood

I didn't quite appreciate being woken up at the middle of the night. It's bad enough experiencing disturbing dreams all the time. My hair was soaked with sweat, and my breath had turned rapid. The Poseidon cabin smelt strongly of the salty sea, calming me a little.

As sleep escaped me, I became aware of the iris message glowing intensely at the corner of the cabin. I walked over to it, wondering what was so important to disturb me in the middle of the night. It had to be some kind of emergency. The strange thing was, the iris message kept blurring, like a camera trying to zoom in and focus on something.

Whoever was trying to contact me was having trouble. Iris messages worked like a two-way video call, but this one didn't seem to have anyone at the other end. When the call finally came into focus, I could see dozens of mortals running around panicked and screaming. This was a familiar scene.

Wherever this was, there was obviously a monster close by. One of the mortals was so frightened that he ran straight into another horde of running people and caused a domino-effect, bringing them all down. Then, they crawled and pushed each other out of the way, before running once again. I marvelled at what monster could possibly cause this much hassle.

I concentrated on little things in the scene trying to work out where it was. But it turns out I didn't need to, because just then a voice whispered in my head: Monster attack in Attleboro.

That was enough info. Whoever or whatever had decided to whisper in my head, whether good or bad, wanted me to go to Attleboro. Attleboro was close to camp right? This could've been a trap. Someone had messed with the iris message, since the scene was clearly in the day, whereas it is night right now. Whatever the case was, I needed to go to Attleboro.

But right now, my body needed sleep. I'd had a pretty intense day with Clarisse threating to blow up my head with Greek fire. This video had been in daylight, which meant it wasn't happening now. Tomorrow.

In the morning, I would visit Attleboro.



They'd received a letter today. Sinead Starling had come in with it, looking confused. In her mind, with technology and new inventions and ways to do things, sending a letter to someone was unusual. She'd handed the letter to Amy in the morning. When Amy had seen the envelope which protected the letter, her eyes had gone peculiar. This worried Sinead. Amy wouldn't share what was in the letter. She and Dan had read it and not spoken a word afterwards.

They'd simply said that they needed to go out today and may not be back until later.

What was that supposed to mean? Did they not think she was intelligent enough to figure things out? Sinead was an Ekaterina for goodness sake. The letter surely had something to do with the clue hunt. Someone was targeting Amy and Dan Cahill.

After the hunt, Amy and Dan had welcomed Sinead with open arms. Amy was like her sister. Her best friend. And Sinead was prepared to do anything to make sure no harm came to Amy or her brother.

Amy and Dan hadn't left yet. Sinead spied the letter sitting on the counter of the kitchen. Dan must've left it there so that they could pick it up as they left to go. She casually walked closer to it, and just in case, Amy or Dan had been watching, she tilted her head as if she were checking that the counter's exact proportions were precise enough to suit the rest of the room. Sinead was always examining things around the house.

She muttered a few measurements and moved the letter aside like it was distracting her thoughts. Then she casually picked it up and pretended to drop it. Sinead stooped low, pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and quickly replaced the paper with the letter. The letter was now safely in her pocket. She straightened again and placed the fake piece of paper on the counter where the letter used to be.

Sinead was only planning to read the letter and put it back straight away before Amy and Dan went. That way, they could take the letter with them in case they needed it. But unfortunately, Amy and Dan choose to leave earlier.

Just as Sinead had put the fake letter on the counter, Dan came in and swooped it up. Amy soon walked into the room and the pair of them were at the door. Before Sinead could follow what was happening, they waved to her and called out a goodbye. Sinead wanted to yell at them, warning them about the letter. They had the wrong letter!

She ran to the door, but Amy and Dan were already on their way. They'd called a cab and were just about to get in.

"Wait!" she called to them. They looked up at her expectantly. They had looked so worried that Sinead thought twice about telling them. What if they turned on her? It was evident that they had something else in their mind. Amy and Dan were bright kids. They could figure things out without the letter. And besides, she couldn't stand it if they thought she'd done something like that. They'd think that she was trying to manipulate them again.

"I think the kitchen counter's a bit off proportion." She said instead. "It could have some effect on the energy bills. I'll um, discuss it with you when you get back."

"Uh, sure Sinead." Dan said, before turning away and getting in the cab.

She stood there at the doorway watching as they drove away. Sinead felt bad. Extremely bad. Partly because that counter excuse was awfully lame. A lot of things could affect the energy bills but the kitchen counter was not one of those things. The other reason was that she's lied to them. She'd hidden the letter.

What was she thinking? They would've understood. She was a curious Ekat and just wanted to make sure that Amy and Dan were not getting themselves into any trouble. They wouldn't think that Sinead was trying to manipulate them. They trusted her. How could she let herself think that?

No, she thought. Whatever's done is done. There's no need to sulk about it. I'll chase Amy and Dan down if I have to.

Right now, she needed to see where it was that they were going. She pulled out the letter from her pocket and headed inside.

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