part eighteen - lovely

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Short chapter.

Tessa loved Max. That was as much as anyone knew. She loved him for a lot of reasons, as explained in past chapters.

But she always felt the need to express her love constantly. To be able to remind him of how proud she was of him and how much he grew since the past year.

But she also did this because it reminded her of just how lucky she was to be able to spend her life with him.

He was her everything. Even when she had dated another guy, Max was on her mind constantly. She couldn't stand being happy without him.

There was something about him that drew her to him. Was it fate? Or just mutual attraction?

See, Tessa believed in things like soul mates and love at first sight. She was a secret romantic when it came to that type of thing. Her and Max just seem so much alike... it was hard not to think they weren't cut from the same cloth.

But just as they were alike, they were also opposites in some areas. They balanced each other out in a way she's never experienced before.

Maybe that's why Tessa kept going back to Max. Why she needed him. He calmed her down from her worst tempers and was always able to fix her in some way. He protected her like no other.

She always acted and seemed independent. Always tried being the tough one. But with Max, she didn't have to worry about. But automatically protected her, she felt safe with him. It's as if he knew she had some type of vulnerability inside of her that needed protecting, sheltering.

She would never show her vulnerability to anyone but him, she was ashamed to even cry in the presence of her family.

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